Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade


Sinhgad College of Engineering is committed to give it’s fullest contribution to minimize the pollution of all sorts to the extent possible. The faculty members and students are made aware of local as well as global environmental issues. They foster towards Environmental Conservation and Sustainability through various activities such as:

  • Car-pooling by faculty members. Faculty members are encouraged to opt for car-pooling to reduce fuel consumption, traffic congestion.
  • Signage for switching off tube lights and fans when the class room / faculty cabin / laboratory is not being occupied by any person. Electricity saved helps reduce CO2 emissions.
  • Awareness on avoidning unnecessary water wastage at all places whenever possible. Using water saving washers, waterless urinals results into huge saving of water.
  • The plastic use on the campus has been discouraged. It is ensured to give all plastic which comes with packing etc for recycling. Students are refrained from throwing plastic left over anywhere, except in the dust bins.
  • Use of renewable energy such as Solar Energy in hostels for heating water.


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Solar water heaters at girls’ hostels Solar water heaters at boys’ hostels
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Car pooling by faculty members Use of app for monitoring savings in carbon emmissions due to car pooling
LED bulbs and displays for switching off lights and fans when not in use
Waterless urinals with signage of not to spit in urinals are displayed at appropriate places in such urinal blocks



Use of Solar
Energy & Use of
LED bulbs
