Mr. Somnath P. Gunjal
H.O.D. Computer Engg.
+91 8975435480
The Department of Computer Engineering, with its dedicated body of well-qualified faculty, technical staff and students, is committed to be an international, multi-disciplinary center of excellence in Computer Engineering through education and research. It has partnerships with other leading Academic Institutions, Government and Industrial sectors. The department was established in the year of 2012 with an initial intake of 60 students. From 2013 intake has been increased to 120. The department has produced an excellent University results from the inception. The Department has its own library with latest books, national and international journals and magazines. The computer laboratories are well equipped with the most recent hardware and software.
The management is decided to give industry embedded education in applied computer engineering. To keep in touch with the ever - growing technology, the faculty members participate regularly in faculty development programme conducted by various Colleges, Research Institutions and Professional Bodies. The department organizes technical symposium at National and International levels at regular intervals. The Department also encourages the faculty members and students to undertake research activities in various fields of Computer Engineering. The department has organized many workshops like a C#, JAVA, Alice, Android and Robotics. Apart from stressing on consistent and good academic performance, the department also encourages participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities to bring out the latest talents in its students. The students are provided with ample opportunities to improve their organizational skills and group dynamics. It aims at producing trained professionals who can successfully meet the demands of the IT industry.
Department Vision
Department of computer Engineering is committed to produce competent professionals to become part of the industry and research organizations at the national and international levels.
Department Mission
- Providing a strong theoretical and practical background of the computer engineering field with an emphasis on software development.
- Create highly skilled computer engineers, capable of doing research and also develop solutions for the betterment of the society as well as nation.
- Inculcate professional and ethical values among students.
Department Objectives
- To implement effective teaching learning process (T-L-P) so as to achieve excellent academic performance in the university examination.
- To build a personality equipped with exquisite technical and non-technical skills, which are globally at par.
- To make the students employable, introducing various skill development programs like Student Training Programs (STP) and Value Addition Programs (VAP).
- To provide the opportunity to the students to participate in various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities for their overall development.
- To encourage the students and faculties for participating in various research activities by facilitating them with various resources and by industry institute interaction (I-I-I).
- To upgrade the staff qualification for the fulfillment of frequent changes in technology and education system.
- To introduce various Faculty DevelopmentPrograms (FDP) and providing them proper guidance related to the subjects by experts in Train the Trainerprogram (TTT).
- To transform thestudents to efficient engineers as well as a good human being.
- I-I-I is providing various training on different projects which is helping the students to get collaborated with various consultancies.
Short Term Goals
- Improving in students’employability.
- Encouraging faculty for Ph. D. / research work.
- To implement effective teaching learning process (T-L-P) so as to achieve excellent academic performance in the university examination.
- Emphasizing in Institute – Industry Liaison.
- Undertaking sponsored projectsfrom national & International students.
Long Term Goals
- Undertaking consultancy activity for internal revenue generation.
- Establishing center of excellence invarious areasofcomputer science and Engineering.
- Establish department for its excellence in academic & research at university level.
Department PEO, PO & PSO
Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs):
- To prepare globally competent graduates having strong fundamentals, domain knowledge, updated with modern technology to provide the effective solutions for engineering problems.
- To prepare the graduates to work as a committed professional with strong professional ethics and values, sense of responsibilities, understanding of legal, safety, health, societal, cultural and environmental issues.
- To prepare committed and motivated graduates with research attitude, lifelong learning, investigative approach, and multidisciplinary thinking.
- To prepare the graduates with strong managerial and communication skills to work effectively as individual as well as in teams.
Programme Outcomes (POs):
Students are expected to know and be able -
- To apply knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, problem solving skills, algorithmic analysis and mathematical modeling to the solution of complex engineering problems.
- To analyze the problem by finding its domain and applying domain specific skills
- To understand the design issues of the product/software and develop effective solutions with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
- To find solutions of complex problems by conducting investigations applying suitable techniques.
- To adapt the usage of modern tools and recent software.
- To contribute towards the society by understanding the impact of Engineering on global aspect.
- To understand environment issues and design a sustainable system.
- To understand and follow professional ethics.
- To function effectively as an individual and as member or leader in diverse teams and interdisciplinary settings.
- To demonstrate effective communication at various levels.
- To apply the knowledge of Computer Engineering for development of projects, and its finance and management.
- To keep in touch with current technologies and inculcate the practice of lifelong learning.
Program Specific Outcomes(PSO):
A graduate of the Computer Engineering Program will demonstrate:
- Professional Skills-The ability to understand, analyze and develop computer programs in the areas related to algorithms, system software, multimedia, web design, big data analytics, and networking for efficient design of computer-based systems of varying complexities.
- Problem-Solving Skills- The ability to apply standard practices and strategies in software project development using open-ended programming environments to deliver a quality product for business success.
- Successful Career and Entrepreneurship- The ability to employ modern computer languages, environments and platforms in creating innovative career paths to be an entrepreneur and to have a zest for higher studies.