MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's


Training & Consultancy

    “Looking Within”- Management Development Programme for CANARA BANK

Sinhgad Institute of Management Faculty Members had conducted training in Management Development Programme (MDP) “Looking Within”- to the Canara Bank Employees from Pune, Nagpur, Aurangabad branches in the year 2007 and 2008.

In the month of April and May 2007 under the said MDP 450 Officers and Managers were trained in Conflict Management, Effective Communication and Assertiveness, Team Building and Leadership.

From  Feb 2008 to June 2008 again Sinhgad Institute of Management had conductede Training to 575 employees of Canara Bank. In this Programme need based modules were taken up.

    SAMAVESH :- Induction and Orientation Training for HPCL Employees

Sinhgad Institute of Management has arranged and conducted Training for the newly recruited employees in the Induction and Orientation Programme during 26th Dec 2012 to 1st Jan 2013. Dr. Sadhana Choukkar, Dr. Mahesh Halale, and Prof. Jyothi Pawar have delivered the Training to 150 Trainees in the Business Etiquette, Step towards Financial Planning and Corporate Ethical Practices areas respectively.


National Institute of Management Administration – Teachers for Training


Sinhgad Institute of Management Faculty member had conducted Teachers

Training to the Afghanistan Employees from 4th Feb to 4th May 2009. Dr. Sadhana

Choukkar, Dr. Daniel Penkar, Dr. Mukund Tambe, Dr. R. Takle, Prof. Mangalgauri

Deshmukh have dealt with the following modules in keeping with their experties:-

  • Accounting
  • Management and Administration
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Best Practices of Teaching Methodology
  • Effective Communication Skills

    “Empowering Performance”:- Police Officers Management Development      Programme

Maharashtra Police

To upgrade the knowledge, skills and attitude of the Police Department Sinhgad Institute of Management has provided training to the police officers in Pune city as a part of Social Responsibility. Dr. D. Penkar, Mrs. Jyothi Pawar, Mrs. Swati Joshi has delivered the training modules were on Leadership and Stress Management on 7 October 2010.

    Competency Mapping :- Training and Consultancy for Sansera Engg Pvt. Ltd

Sansera logo

Sinhgad Institute of Management has provided training & consultancy to Sansera Engg Pvt. Ltd for Competency Mapping based on Job Description project. Under this Consultancy SIOM Faculty has conducted the Training programmes in Self Awareness, Creativity and innovation, Team Building and Personality Development After the analysis of Feedback on Training, detailed Competency Mapping Model was developed and implemented from May to August 2011. Dr. Daniel Penkar, Dr. John Peter, Dr. Ashok Tiwari, Dr. Devidas Golhar, Mrs. Swati Joshi was involved in this Consultancy and Training Project.

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