MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD



Quality Policy

SIOM aims at achieving Excellence in Management Education with recognition at a National & International level. To achieve this, we at SIOM, stand committed to –

  • Provide excellent infrastructure & quality technology interface to students and faculty
  • Employ competent faculty, further supported by exposing students to well-qualified speakers from industry and academics
  • Promote industry, faculty & student interaction through pioneering joint projects with Industry & Government bodies
  • Enrich research activities through organized research & developmental activities like Executive Education & Management Development Programs
  • SIOM will continue to upgrade its systems & processes to facilitate its core purpose of “Nurturing Business Leaders”.

Prominent Features of SIOM MCA

  • The courses offered are affiliated to University of Pune and are approved by AICTE, New Delhi.
  • This is the only MCA programme which is accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA) thrice among the self financed institution in India.
  • The student friendly academic environment has been able to produce students who have topped the Pune University Merit List year after year in various disciplines.
  • We adopt PBL (Project Based Learning) method for our students along with case study and software application development due to which students gets real application development experience.
  • The entire Institute has a world-class IT Infrastructure.
  • Average faculty experience is more than 10yrs.
  • Faculties in SIOM are at par with the Academic Standards. There are 7 faculty members who have been awarded PhD, 3 faculty members have completed M.Phil and 9 are pursuing PhD. There are around 12 faculty members who are BEC Certified and passed various levels of the BEC course.
