MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Seminars / Conferences / FDPs




Sinhgad Business School, Erandwane, organized a two-day National Conference on the implementation of National Education Policy 2020 on February 10 and 11, 2023. The event was officially inaugurated at 10 a.m. Mr. Prasanjit Fadnavis, a senator and former member of the management council, was honored. Dr. Parag Kalkar, the Director of Sinhgad Business School, emphasized ABC ID and the contents of NEP. Dr. R.D. Kulkarni, a professor, spoke about higher education and skill training. Dr. Supriya Patil focused on high-quality education and mentoring ChatGPT. Dr. Shailesh Kasande stressed reading case studies and NEP 2020. The second day, Dr. Sayali Gankar opened the conference at 10:00 a.m. The second session focused on the national education policy, judged by Dr. Prachi Pargaonkar. Dr. Srinivasan Iyengar discussed the future of Indian education and the importance of technology. Dr. Sachin Surve talked about access, Industry 4.0, and globalization. Dr. Upendra Dhar focused on building academic leaders. Dr. Prashant Sathe discussed morality and family values, and Dr. Nitin Karmalkar highlighted the National Education Policy's execution. The conference concluded with the price distribution and a vote of thanks by Dr. Vishal Gaikwad.




Sinhgad Business School, Erandwane organized a two-day NATIONAL RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2021 on “Businesses and Societies – Post Pandemic Transformations to be Future Ready” on 5th and 6th October 2021. The Guest Speakers were - Chief Guest - Prof. Naliniprava Tripathy, Finance and Accounting, IIM Shillong, Guest of Honor – Dr. Parag Kalkar, Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management, SPPU. Keynote Speaker - Mr. Vivek Sawant, Chief Mentor, Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd. We received an overwhelming response from the participants. We received 52 papers that would be published in Scopus indexed Journals. About 124 participants participated in the conference and amongst them, a few of them presented their papers.




Sinhgad Business School, successfully hosted the 9th National Conference 2020 on “The Dynamics of Shift in Business Models in Modern Era” on 16th & 17th January, 2020 at Erandwane Campus, Pune. The conference served as an inspiring platform to the budding management students to discuss and share ideas. Chief guest for the event was Dr. Parag Kalkar- Hon’ Dean, Faculty of Commerce and Management-SPPU and Mr. G.K.Shahani, Management Trustee, STES. The speaker for the event Prof. Kaushik Bhattacharya, IIM Lucknow highlighted the importance of Modern business models to the company and explained the effect of Monetary Policy on Business changes. More than 40 papers were received and published in UGC approved journal. Researches presented their papers in the conference. The speaker of the day was Prof. T. Prasad NITIE Mumbai. He explained the "Mandi" Model and emphasized on how involving students in gaining practical knowledge would useful for their career after MBA.




A Two Day NATIONAL LEVEL CONFERENCE 2018 "Upcoming Micro- and Macro Business Environment changes: Gearing up to lunge forward" was Organized in association with Savtribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) under Quality Improvement Program on 18th and 19th Jan 2018. Dr. Vijaya Katti, Professor & Chairperson (MDP) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, New Delhi was the keynote note speaker for the conference. She gave a very detailed explanation about various programs & initiatives run by the government bodies to equip and train people to face the changing environmental changes in India. Other esteemed speakers for the conference were Mr. Sandeep Barve, Co-Founder & Managing Director, IN - UNISON, Pune, Dr. Koushik Dutta, Professor of Practice, Indian Institute of Management, Indore and Dr. Acharyulu, Professor, School of Management Studies, University of Hyderabad to name a few. There were intellectual discussions and interaction as this conference served a platform for researchers to present their papers and share knowledge.




A two day state level seminar “E-Commerce: The Game Changer” was organized in in association with Savitribai Phule Pune University under Quality Improvement Program on 17th and 18th November 2017. There were invigorating and thought provoking sessions by Mr. Harshit Gupta, Co-founder Hash & Karma, Mr. Nikhil Uttam, Area Manager, Paytm, Pune and Ms.Priyanka Kachalia, Founder & Strategic Ideator, Moodboard on various aspects of E-Commerce like E-commerce Ecosystem & Digital Marketing, E-commerce Opportunities & Challenges and E-Commerce the most relevant business strategy in contemporary time. There was a large participation of about 200 students, research scholars and corporate delegates.




STES’s Sinhgad Business School, in association with Savitribai Phule Pune University under Quality Improvement Program organized 6th Two day National Conference -“Innovations for Business Excellence” on 20th & 21th January, 2017. Guest of Honor, Mr. Shashank Pathak, COO Westend Mall emphasized on innovations as the only way for survival in today’s world. The other esteemed guest Mr Shashikant Mishra, Management Consultant to Organizations in pharmaceutical industry gave a brief overview on the industry contribution in national & international economy. This conference gave a platform for knowledge sharing to the research scholars, students and corporates who presented their research papers and findings and discussed about the same.




To enhance the practical knowledge of the Semester III students, SBS organized subject seminars respectively for each stream. The students of HR specialization were expose to various HR aspects through a subject seminar “HR Conclave”. The seminar was organized on 7th October 2016; eminent speakers from the industry were invited to interact with the students. Ms.Ayesha Barse- Director HR @ Atmanton, Health & Wellness Resorts, Ms. Archana Bahulikar-Sr,Manager HR @ Nucleus Software and Mr. Tanmay Dingra – HR Manager @ ZS Associate India Pvt Ltd. were the speakers for the day.




To enhance the practical knowledge of the Semester III students, SBS organized subject seminars respectively for each stream. A full day Marketing Subject Seminar was conducted on the topic: “Rural Marketing: Opportunities & Challenges” on 7th October 2016. Eminenet speakers form the industry and Government sector like Mr. Pradeep Lokhande – CEO, Rural Relations, Mr. Yogesh Jagdale, Founder, Midas Horticulture & Landscaping Services, Pune and Mr. Mahesh More, Commercial Manager, Krishna Valley Agro India Ltd, Pune were the speakers for the event. They enlightened the students on various aspects for Rural Marketing.




A Two day National Conference on “Redefining Boundaries – The Digital Way” was Organized In association with Savitribai Phule Pune University under Quality Improvement Program on February 17 & 18, 2016. Guest of Honor, Mr. Devdutta, Founder and CEO Webclincher delivered the first session for the day. The aim of this session was to bring all participants to the same level of understanding with regards to basic digital world, concepts, how digital penetrate into rural areas and how digital is changing India. The session also acknowledged the future digital India. Dr. Milind Marathe, Director, Sinhgad Institute of Management and Computer Applications, Dr. Bharath Bhushan Sankaye, Academician and Consultant, Mr Tejani, Managing Director, GITS foods, Mr. Maharana Ray, GM, Bajaj Automobiles were few of the eminent speakers on the occasion. This conference also provided a platform to researchers, students and corporate delegates to discuss and present their research.




Make in India: Opportunities & Challenges
Date: 21st& 22 August, 2015
Venue: 4th floor Seminar Hall,SBS.
Make in India is a dream that’s big and real. A dream we all need to work towards and accomplish. The dream of our Prime MinisterShriNarendraModi. The 5th national conference Make in India: Opportunities & Challenges was inaugurated at the hands of Mr. Ketan Gandhi President & CEO of KgGuruji Consulting & Services and Dr. Chetan Chaudhari Director SBS. Dr. Chaudhari delivered the welcome address. He opened his session with the very objectives of the Make in India campaign, its relevance and need of the hour. Sir also mentioned a few sectors from this campaign and the transformations and its aftereffects. Mr. Ketan Gandhi the Key note speaker addressed the august gathering on the different facets of the Make in India campaign. Mr. Gandhi emphasized on the need for implementation of the Make in India Plan. Mr. Gandhi shared the comparative study of the Indian and Chinese Economy. He also threw light on how a manufacturing economy is far superior to a service economy. India ranks 142 in ease of doing business. Mr. Gandhi proved very instrumental in striking it hard to the participants of the conference on the importance of manufacturing in India and how it would help us build the economy thereby creating various avenues of growth. The session closed with Vote of Thanks being proposed by Prof. Harshali Bhalerao one of the organizing committee member.


SEMINARS & WORKSHOPS (July 2013 – June 2014)

A) Mark 18 - Catch Them Young” – One Day National Seminar

A one day National seminar “MARK18- Catch Them Young “was organized on Saturday, 5th October 2013 by SBS. The theme of this seminar was “Brand Aspiration of young generation & Marketer’s strategies”. Speakers for this seminar were –

i) Mr. Prasanna Kulkarni

Business Line Manager

Industrial Air Division, Atlas Copco, Pune;

ii) Mr. Jay Shah,


Jay Vijay Motors Pvt. Ltd. & Vidyut Motors Pvt. Ltd.

iii) Ms. Sonali Brahma

Brand Strategist

Creative Director & Writer

iv) Mr. J. Don Bosco


Digital Marketing, Grey World Wide

These speakers enlightened and unfolded the brand inspirations of young generation and strategies to lure young prospective customers.


B) Benchmarking Practices in HR -One Day HR Seminar (State level)

SBS organized a one day state level seminar on 14th September, 2013 for HR Specialization students. The theme was “Benchmarking practices in HR”. Renowned speakers like Mr. Samir Kukade, Director HR-Lear Corporation, Mr. Ravindra Chaudhari- Associate Vice president, HR, Kirloskar Brothers, Mr. Sandeep Chougule, Executive Manager-John Deere (I) Pvt. Ltd and Gajanan More, VP, Tata Autocomp Systems Ltd. were the eminent speakers.
