MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Entrepreneurship Cell

SBS Entrepreneurship Cell

Empires are not created in a day nor does the entrepreneurship journey begin with a start - up. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle. At SBS, we believe that entrepreneurship is a habit and has to be nurtured so that is succeeds and survives. Entrepreneurship Cell is a platform for the students to nurture their dreams and take a step towards realizing the same.

Entrepreneur Cell students conduct programs which would help them in their entrepreneurial journey. Various programs are conducted like –

  • Management games like one day entrepreneur
  • BizWiz- a competition to test business skills in open world
  • Ideation Competition – to test the ideas generated
  • Business Plan Competitions – to prepare for the venture
  • Networking with Alumni Entrepreneurs

These programs empowers the students with the basic entrepreneurship requirements like idea generation, evaluation of the idea, business analysis, environment analysis, business models, business plan generation, financial aspects of businesses, business operation and marketing.
