MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Media Release


Social awareness activity (“Janeev”) was successfully conducted in V. R. Ruia  deaf and dumb school, S.P. College Campus, Pune under the banner of Sinhgad Business School,  Erandawne , Pune  from  24th September to 28th September 2012.

During this period our students gave training on laptop about How to use Laptop, Features of Ms-Word,Ms-Excel, Ms Power point, Ms Paint,  various windows accessories such as Calculator, and  how to use Internet- Google Search. Prof. Kotasthane demonstrated how to make Black forest cake to the students.

Total 21 students of 9th & 10th Standard and 3 staff members participated in this activity.

17 Volunteers from MCM III, MBA III and MBA I alongwith  Mrs. Vidyut Deshpande ,Prof.  P. Kotasthane & Prof. Tilak successfully conducted this activity for the school students.

This effort was an extension of earlier CSR activities in a more organized way to build a better image of SBS in society.

It was a great experience.

