MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Chintan 2013

Sinhgad Business School, Erandwane, one of the youngest Institutes established under the aegis of Sinhgad Institutes, Pune by Prof M.N. Navale, Founder President and Dr (Mrs.) Sunanda Navale, Founder Secretary hosted the Third National Level Conference Chint@n 2013 on “Rural Development: A Powerful Engine for a Developed India” on 7th & 8th March, 2013. This conference was conducted under the QIP Scheme of University of Pune.

India being an Agrarian Economy with major Corporates now involving actively in promoting development through research, increased investments and philanthropic activities in the Rural India , the topic was well suited.

Sinhgad Business School brought together eminent people from the Government, policy makers, implementers & Private Organizations to deliberate on the challenges faced by them in rural areas in order to use and develop the untapped Resources of Rural India & tried to seek answers for the same. Dr. Aditi Markale, Director, Sinhgad Business School and Dr. Avinash Joshi, Associate Professor, Sinhgad Business School, opened the conference by welcoming the honourable guests and inquisitive audience.

Mrs. Sayali Shende, Associate Professor, Sinhgad Business School took all the audience through the conference & the documentary presentation made by enthusiastic students of Sinhgad Business School. The Conference was inaugurated by Mr. M. V. Ashok, CGM, NABARD, Maharashtra State, who also appreciated the posters and Models put up by the students of Sinhgad Business School.

Mr. Ashish Joshi, Regional Sales and Customer Manager (West Rural) HUL spoke about the initiative “Shakti” taken by HUL in the Rural Sector. Ms. Ashwini Kulkarni, Founder Secretary, Pragati Abhiyan and Mr. Sharad Surve, District coordinators, NEREGA gave an insight on the various policies & the challenges faced by them for implementation of the policies made for villagers. Prof. Kalindi Bhat , MSIHMCT  spoke about her experiences when along with 66 teachers she visited 33 talukas to understand their problems.

Mr. Nilesh Kadam, Account Director, Thomson Reuters spoke about the model addressing the consumer pain through the first personalized professional information service. Mr. Yuvraj Jadhav, CEO Vasundhara Radio spoke about various programs undertaken by Vasundhara Radio such as Agricultural Programs, Message, Healthcare, Various prizes, Competitions, Vasundhara Mahila Manch, Samrangini Puraskar for the benefit of villagers. About 60 research papers were received pan India where many researchers presented & discussed the issues related to Rural Development, the challenges & solutions in implementation of the rural development programs. The two day program addressed a lot of issues faced by Rural India & deliberated to find the solutions for the same.
