MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD



My dream was to build a career as a management leader. At Sinhgad Management Institutes, I was trained in every facet of it. The lectures always emphasized upon application of concepts, with ample case studies and paper presentations, we developed our knowledge base and solution capabilities. The constant interaction with industry experts by way of mentoring and CEO series, gave us current perspectives and set our expectations right. Above all, the time spent beyond classrooms discussing business and economy at the hostel, prepared us to accept and account for contrary point of views. The placement was a breeze for me, and today, as a practicing manager, I am grateful for the grounding I received at Sinhgad Institutes.

Amandeep Singh, ASM - Telecom. Apple India Pvt. Ltd., Batch: 2004-06

SIBAR has a great teaching system, good professors & a motivating environment My college has helped me to let my dream come true - Continuously topped all the semester & finally stood as university topper. I am thankful to SIBAR because I have been rewarded & recognized everywhere at all stages of life. My family, friends and colleagues all appreciate me for my achievements and this really makes me feel good.

Lipika Verma, HR Executive, Softbridge Solutions Pvt. Ltd. (Magarpatta City), Batch:2009-11
