MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Sinhgad Technical Education Society's




Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Research (SIBAR)


Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Research (SIBAR) was established in the year 2004 under the aegis of Sinhgad Technical Education Society. The institute is recognized by AICTE, DTE and affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU).

SIBAR is an institute of excellence in management education in Pune. SIBAR sets itself apart through a strong industry interface; the intellectual pool of faculty members combined with hands on experience in research and industry.  Industry leaders and practitioners who participate in various capacities further enrich the offerings. SIBAR plays a pivotal role in redefining the perspective of educating the future managers and entrepreneurs with the sustenance of faculty members who come from diverse background.


SIBAR peruse academic excellence by offering diverse high quality programs and unique opportunities for student enhancement, engagement, training and leadership. Academic pursuits are led by faculty. It is a cognitive learning process where students get an opportunity to develop their declarative, procedural, conditional and functional knowledge. It is a participative method of learning which allows students to develop a collaborative, team based approach to their education and their profession. It is intended to foster learning for competence, deep level understanding and provide opportunities for vertical and horizontal integration of syllabus.

OUR VISION is to be the most preferred management institute in Pune and one of the best in India

OUR MISSION is to develop competent managers by educating them and nurturing their inherent talents.


Quality Policy


Continuous improvement in teaching learning process for the benefit of aspiring managers.
Upgrade academic and technical resources in line with the expectations of the stake holders.
Undertake research to maintain the repository of knowledge in management education.
Exchange knowledge with corporate to update students and staff.
Promote development activities to sensitize students towards society at large.


STES Trust

Core Values

Code of conduct for faculty

Code of conduct for students

Sibar Rules & Regulation
