MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Working With Sinhgad

Prof. Swati Jamdar

Sinhgad organization has implemented a variety of practices to encourage the development of positive attitude in faculty members.

Sinhgad institute have a good architectural environment. It is an institution which teaches  the value of love, selflessness, universal brotherhood and other such great teachings.  The learning environment in Sinhgad Institute includes both physical and socio-emotional environment that enhances learning.

Prof. Pooja Kulkarni

I feel proud to be a part of Sinhgad family. Working environment with sinhgad is very friendly.

Sinhgad Institutes support faculties for personal development by giving them chance to publish research papers at National and International levels, by organizing various seminars and events.

Prof. Tushar Dhotre

It is really nice to work with Sinhgad Institute as it nurtures the faculty members with various Faculty Development Programs, Workshops, Conferences, Industry interactions. Sinhgad Institutes provides one of the best features in the form of Central Library with different National and International Books, Journals, Articles, Magazines, etc which helps faculties to groom their Research work.
