MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Life on Campus

SINHGAD, is a collection of seven letters, just like the seven colours of rainbow. Once a student joins Sinhgad, the student is infused with the same qualities. NBN SSOCS provide the exact skill match for particular person. It is about the complete development of student. The campus environment is such that the student are relaxed and once student mind is free, new ideas occur. So, my point of view is NBN SSOCS + STUDENT=splendid outcome.

Mr. Nirbhay Kumar


A Good Life is the one which is inspired by love and discipline and guided by knowledge which takes place at Sinhgad Institutes . Sinhgad Institutes is not only an institute but it is pillar of Oxford of East. Here complete development of a character along with academics is carried out. The institute nurtures student with the principle that Mind of a student is like wet cement , it will mould the way you shape it. Sinhgad, I think, is the eighth wonder of the world. It takes decades to grow so much of discipline at any institute. Here the student gains the quality knowledge from their mentors who help them to brighten their future from the industrial point of view as well. Here students are not only directed towards his success but also guided towards excellence in his path.

Mr. Abhinay Parab
