MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD


Career opportunities in IT - 2016 Photo Gallery
Awareness About Organ Donation Drive 2016 Photo Gallery
Blood Donation 2016 Photo Gallery
Induction 2016 Photo Gallery
Techtonic 2014 Photo Gallery
Makarsankrant 2014 Events Photo Gallery
Career Guidance
Social Activity Photo Gallery
ASP .NET Seminar
SoftSkill Traning[MCA-I Year]
Android Workshop,Bengaluru 2013 Photo Gallery
Fresher Party 2013 Photo Gallery
MCA Induction Program 2013 Photo Gallery

Zillion 2013, 17 – 18 Feb 2013

Mr. Sulabh Jain was the guest of this event. He covered important points of hacking, ethical hacking and what precaution we should take for our machine to prevent it from hacking. The numbers of participants were 50 students along with 5 faculties. The venues for this programme were   Seminar Hall, NBN STIC.


Zillion 2013, 15 – 16 Feb 2013

Ms. Smita Waze, IBM Softwares, Pune, was the guest for C/C++ project presentation and Mr. Mahesh Khatri, Senior Web Designer, Cybage, Pune was the guest for Web designing Contest. The event started with the inauguration by Dr. Shriram D. Markande, Director, NBN STIC, Pune. In C – Programming contest. There were 2 rounds. First round was multiple choice questions and second round was programming contest. 80 students participated in the event. The number of team participating in C/CPP Project was 8. In Web Designing there were 30 participants. And for LAN Games the number of participant were 200. The activity conducted in Zillion 2013 were C Programming Contests, C/CPP Project, Web Designing, LAN Games – NFS and CS at Seminar Hall, NBN STIC.


Soft skill Training Program, 05 – 10 Dec 2011

The chief Guest of this training programme was Dr. Ashok Tiwari, Dean, NBN SSOMS, Pune. He made the students aware of the importance of communication. He stated that the communication is the exchange of ideas, feelings or attitudes between two or more people. He also added on types of communication. He mentioned that we communicate 55 percent by body language, 38 percent by tone of voice and 7 percent verbally. No matter how brilliant and invaluable your ideas are, it is worthless unless you share it with others. The number of active participants for this training program was 25 students. By conducting management games he made the students understand the effective way of communication.


Blood Donation Camp, 24 Sep 2011

The drive had been organized with the prime principle that “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give”. The chief Guest of this drive Dr. Rajiv Khatavkar focused on the importance of blood donation. He spoke on "how to save life while giving blood". He also added that this is a service that we give to our society and indirectly to the nation.  In this drive, 80 students participated along with 10 faculties.


MCA Induction Program 2011, 16 – 17 Aug 2011, NBN STIC

As a part of student interaction activity, MCA Induction Program was hosted to make the students aware of the academic environment in Sinhgad Technical Education Society. Mr.Uday Oak, Founder Director, Accuminate Consulting and Technologies Pvt. Ltd delivered the keynote address by highlighting the importance of MCA courses and its Merits. Dr. Shriram D. Markande delivered lecture on “Convergence” by simplifying the concepts. Prof. Vivek Phadake HOD, VIM, Pune discussed on the Career and Life Management by giving the valuable tips to the students for the proper nourishment of Brain and improvement of Health. Mr. Kailash Maisekar conducted a session on Grooming IT Professional. Dr. Daniel Penkar deliberated on challenges in life. Mrs. Padmini Panse and Ms. Ketaki Joshi , The Bumble Bee  conducted  Management Games to inculcate the management ideas to implement in their career development. The Induction programme was initially designed for 80 candidates but about 100 students participated in the Induction Program.
