MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Sports / Cultural

Sport Event 2013-14 : Chess And Carrom Photo Gallery

Sports Activities

NBNSSOCS institute offers various  extra-curricular activities along with curriculum for the hoilistic development of the students. Students are encouraged to participate actively in various sports viz. mind challenging and mind refreshing games.This institute has hosted many competitions like chess,carom, table tennis. Interested students have access to various sports equipments for improvimg their sport apart from regular academic schedule.


Cultural Activities

In India is multi-cultural. One can enjoy and learn a lot about the cultural diversity of India.  There are so many rituals and festivals. At NBNSSOCS campus, we celebrate “dandiya” festivals in navaratri, “Traditional Day”, Makarsankranti, Gokulastami, Teachers Day, Dashehera, and so on.  These events foster skills like leadership and team building. We at NBNSSOCS believe in developing of better citizens for the society.
