MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD



The institute has an independent library, with a vast collection of textbooks, reference books, periodicals and journals of national and international repute. A spacious reading hall that is open till late evening facilitates students to choose from their time of convenience.


Library Hours:-

Library working Hours       24 X 7

Library Collections: Books & Journals (as on 16/01/2013)

  • Titles                           : 1402
  • Volumes                      : 6699
  • National Journals        : 105
  • International &  e- Journals-16222

Library Sections:-

Circulation section: - Stacks books which can be issued to the students and staff.
Reference Section: - Has a collection of Encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks, manuals and   Reference books.

Reading Hall: - Spacious and well literature reading hall.
Periodical Section: - It`s displays the latest volumes of International and National journals and Magazines.

Reprography Section: -Two photocopying machines are available in the library to cater the photocopying needs of the library users.

Library Services

Current Awareness Service

Library displays information about seminars, workshops, newspapers, articles on various subjects related to latest developments in technologies  & is made available to users.
New Arrival Alert: -
Library displays the latest books acquired in the library, for a week, on the display stand.
Net based services:-
Excess of material from the internet for helping students in their present projects, competitive exams, further studies etc.
Access to e-journals:-
Library has subscribed to e-journals through various agencies in India, e-journals covering the Following publishers.

a)      IEL

b)      J-Gate Engineering

c)      ASTM Digital library

d)     Elsevier Science Direct

e)      ASME

f)       Mc-Graw Hill Access Lib

g)      Wiley Black We

Class Rooms

Class rooms are well equipped with LCD Projector, Computer System with Internet connectivity, each class having the sitting capacity of 60 students each.

Computer Centre

The college has a fully air-conditioned, state-of-art Computer laboratory, which is equipped with the latest technology to handle different software. Unlimited internet access is available on every computer.

Computer labs, however, are a critical resource that nearly everyone in the student body may utilize at some point during college

Utilize Software

Computer labs often include software that many students may not have on their personal computers due to cost or accessibility. Math courses may require students to utilize specific software programs to illustrate math problems, for example.. Some courses may be based on learning how to use specific software programs. Graphic design students may need to learn Adobe Photoshop as a critical component of their education. Computer labs ensure that all students have access to such programs.

Do Research

Computer labs in college campuses offer unrivaled access to research opportunities. Many scholarly websites and journals are only available to college students using computers on the school's network.

Computer Connectivity:-

a)Wired  i) 10 MBPs +2 MBPS (1:1) -  Leased Line

ii)2 MBPs - Broadband.

b) Wi-Fi facility in the Campus

Seminar Hall

State-of-the-art auditorium equipped with the latest audio, video, having seating capacity of 250 is provided in close proximity to the Open Air Theatre for seminars and guest lectures. To promote e-based teaching-learning methodology, a centrally air-conditioned auditorium with a seating capacity of more than 200 is being constructed at our educational complex. The advancements in technology have benefited one and all. Our students and faculty are no exception. They use the latest multimedia system with large digital screens to display their visually based demonstrations and graphics oriented lessons. It  has plans to organize online lectures and conferences with eminent professors and stalwarts across the globe in various fields of Information Technology, Electrical, Electronics etc.


In-house Sports – Carom, Table Tennis and Chess

Today's games are much more complex and interesting. There is some evidence that playing in house games improves hand-eye coordination.   There is some evidence that playing fast paced action games improves people's eyesight.  Being a good gamer is a source of self-esteem for some young people. Most games provide mental stimulation and require some form of problem solving. Playing with friends can be an enjoyable social interaction. College is providing In house sports like chess, carom and table tennis for students   and faculty, which helps to encourage students to increase their competitive spirit in winning.
