MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Industry Interaction

  • Mr. Harish Honwad, General Manager, Persistent System

Mr. Harish Honwad addressed MCA Induction Program 2012 on 01-Aug-2012 with the topic “Difference between industry and academia”. He indicated that youth should utilize their skills and competencies, and sense the market requirements. He then emphasized on the need to change our mindset and a number of cultural norms such as women labor and careers changes. "It is not necessary to work in your field of study and have a great job in a large ompany right from the start. Start from the small/medium corporations and then move to the large organizations that you are dreaming of" was what he conveyed to students.

  • Mr. Uday Oak, Founder Director, Acuminate Consulting and Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

Mr. Uday Oak shared his views on the topic “Career in IT” on 01-Aug-2012 in MCA Induction Program 2012 .
He highlighted that India is one of the leading countries in fields of outsourcing and IT. With growing pace of this industry there are many challenges to face for this industry due to lack of skilled manpower. He suggested possible fields in IT like System Development, System Analyst, Data Base- Administrator, System Administrator, Hardware Engineers. The objective of the session was to encourage young people to develop and cultivate their ideas in the early part of their Management studies.

  • Mrs. Shweta Chabra–Lamba, Director, Insight Train O Sphere

Mrs. Shweta Chabra–Lamba interacted with students on 02-Aug-2012 in MCA Induction Program 2012. She conducted a session on Personality Development. She described personality as sum total of you and emphasized that all aspects of yourself that is, character, behavior and attitude should be developed and enhanced. Positive attitude, good interpersonal relationships, leadership qualities, time management skills, high self-esteem and a smile on the face always were few important things required for well-groomed personality. Student also understood that they need to have clear objectives and smart goals in life to succeed well.

  • Dr. Harold D’Costa, Director, IQSS

Dr. Harold D’Costa delivered session for students on 02-Aug-2012 in MCA Induction Program 2012. He delivered session on “Cyber Security”. He awakened students about the threats which passes through the networked unknowingly and internet laws for downloading.

  • Mr. Harish Honwad, General Manager, Persistent System Ltd.

Mr. Harish Honwad delivered session on the topic “Current Trends in Information technology” on 12-Feb-2013 in National Level Seminar Sanvaad – What Industry Expects From You?. Sir highlighted importance of Education by stating “Education is not a paper qualification”. It needs good fundamental knowledge& new problem solving techniques. He has also briefed about Industry expectations saying that students should at least have perfection in one Computer language. He emphasized on different aspects of industry expectations like initiative, Quick understanding, conceptual Grasping power, Result orientation.

  • Prof. (Gp. Capt.) D. P. Apte, Director, MIT School of Business

Prof. (Gp. Capt) D.P.Apte delivered session on “FDI in Retail Opportunities & Challenges “on 13-Feb-2013 in National Level Seminar Sanvaad – What Industry Expects From You?. Sir has introduced terms FDI, India Gross Department, Inflation, Money saving Coefficient, Scandinavian Countries, Cash& Carry. He also emphasized on different aspects of FDI in various countries with appropriate proportions. Emphasized unorganized versus unorganized retail, Spur competition. Under Lobbying he described about what is lobbying i.e. advertisement, promotion and make impression. He discussed about legal & illegal methods prevailing in different countries. He also highlighted Big marketing retailers in the world like Texico, Carryfore, Walmart & Bharti in INDIA. He also discussed about Supply chain Management(SCM) in brief, by giving an case of product life cycle. Here he described about how the product is moving from Rate, BRICS Countries GDP Growth, Fiscal manufacturing stage to customers where in every stage how the value is added to the product.

  • Dr.Sharad Joshi, Head, Corporate Relations, Vishwakarma Institute of Management

Dr. Sharad Joshi conducted session on From Recession to Recovery: Where We Stand”?on 12-Feb-2013 in National Level Seminar Sanvaad – What Industry Expects From You?. Sir highlighted the points Why Recession occurs? Boom & Burst, Euphoria. In creating hypes he briefed about Management Boom, Retail Boom in India. He emphasized difference among Desire, Want & Need .Under Saving & Investments. He briefed about where should we invest money for increasing GDP growth in INDIA. In Window shopping he compared between Imports & Exports in various countries and their balancing factor.

  • Mr. Allen C A Pereira, Director, National Institute of Bank Management, Pune

Mr. Allen C A Pereira delivered session on “Service Industry & Indian Economy” on 13-Feb-2013 in National Level Seminar Sanvaad – What Industry Expects From You?. Sir highlighted importance of opening accounts in the banks by the people who are under the poverty line. He also shared his personal view on the survey of the people in the rural areas in Delhi. He motivated people in the rural area for better utilization of banks like applying different types of loans. Finally understood that people do have money in rural areas, but they do not know how to save their money in banks.

  • Dr. Rajendra Sonar, Professor, IIT, Powai

Dr. Rajendra Sonar conducted session on “Business Intelligence” on 13-Feb-2013 in National Level Seminar Sanvaad – What Industry Expects From You?. Sir discussed about, what is intelligence? & Customer centric Intelligence, Taxonomy, Ontology. Different types of technologies like Dashboards, LAP, Drill down, Google Analytics, Authentication, Anonomous, data mining, Neural Networks. He also discussed what is BI? He briefed about tools & technologies of BI. He also talked about business & how to make profit in business.

  • Mr. Sulabh Jain, Senior Corporate Trained, Kyrion Digital Securities

Mr. Sulabh Jain delivered lecture on Loophole+ with Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing on 17-Feb-2013 and 18-Feb-2013 in Zillion-2013. Sir highlighted that Security can’t be guaranteed. The only secure system is one that’s unplugged, turned off, and in a locked room. Aim of this session was to educate users of digital media of the threats, risks and privacy concerns that go with using them. The other goal of this training module is to expose issues and vulnerabilities to drive the digital media industry to create solutions to these problems.

  • Ms. Shweta Chabra-Lamba

Ms. Shweta Chabra-Lamba, Insight Train O Sphere, Pune conducted a session on “Effective Communication Skills” for the MCA students. The Seminar was held at the Seminar Hall , NBN Sinhgad School of Computer Studies, Ambegaon (Bk), Pune on Saturday, 21st Jan 2012 between 01.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. The students were made aware parameters of communication. Around 70 students and 5 faculty members attended the session. Various activities were held which helps the students to improve communication skills enhance their personality. The main objective of this Seminar was to boast the ability of the students to generate most important ideological points, practical experience. This seminar will helped students become more effective communicators at work and in their personal lives. The seminar focused on speaking and listening skills, empathy, resolving conflicts and building relationships.

  • Dr. Rajendra D. Kumbhar

Dr. Rajendra D. Kumbhar of, Karmveer Bhaurao Patil Institute of Management Studies and Research, Satara conducted a session on “ERP Application” for the MCA students. The Seminar was held at the Seminar Hall, NBN Sinhgad School of Computer Studies, Ambegaon (Bk), Pune on Tuesday, 24th Jan 2012 between 11.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. Around 70 students and 5 faculty members attended the session. The students were made to understand What is ERP? and Why ERP? Students also understood how to implement ERP. Dr. Rajendra D. Kumbhar also discussed on Success and failures factors of ERP and Strategies of ERP implementation. He also discussed that “ERP is a way to integrate the data and processes of an organization into one single system with modules that support core business areas such as manufacturing, distribution, financials and human resources. ERP allows managers from most or all departments to look vertically and horizontally across the organization to see what they must see (information) to be productive in their managerial roles. ERP captures data from historical activity and current operations.”

  • Mr. Chandresh Kwatra

Mr. Chandresh Kwatra, Kyrion Technology conducted a session on “Ethical Hacking” for the MCA students. The Seminar was held at the Seminar Hall, NBN Sinhgad School of Computer Studies, Ambegaon (Bk), Pune on Monday, 06th Feb 2012 between 12.30 p.m. to 02.30 p.m. Around 70 students and 5 faculty members attended the session. In that seminar Mr. Chandresh Kwatra told students what is Hacking and Ethical hacking. He also discussed on how to secure our computers from virus attacks. He also said that “A good ethical hacker should know the methodology chosen by the hacker like reconnaissance, host or target scanning, gaining access, maintaining access and clearing tracks. For ethical hacking we should know about the various tools and methods that can be used by a black hat hacker apart from the methodology used by him. From the point of view of the user one should know at least some of these because some hackers make use of those who are not aware of the various hacking methods to hack into a system.“

  • Mr. Sunil Phaltankar

Mr. Sunil Phaltankar,ProAge conducted a session on “AGILE Process” for the MCA students. The Seminar was held at the Seminar Hall, NBN Sinhgad School of Computer Studies, Ambegaon (Bk), Pune on Saturday, 25thFeb 2012 between 02.00 p.m. to 04.00 p.m. Around 70 students and 5 faculty members attended the session. Mr. Sunil Phaltankar made the Students aware about AGILE Process and how to developed AGILE application and iterate SDLC. He said that Agile software development, teamwork and efficiency, as known from extreme Programming (XP), are the focus of this seminar. Base techniques to achieve this goal are customer-orientated planning, short development iterations, pair programming, automated testing and refactoring. The most important thing to know about Agile methods or processes is that there is no such thing. There are only Agile teams. The processes we describe as Agile are environments for a team to learn how to be Agile.

  • Ms. Smita Waze

Ms. Smita Waze, IBM, Pune conducted a session on “Web Project Guidelines” for the MCA – II Semester – III students. The Seminar was held at the Seminar Hall, NBN Sinhgad School of Computer Studies, Ambegaon (Bk), Pune on Saturday, 04thAug 2012 between 10.00 a.m. to 01.00 p.m. Around 70 students and 5 faculty members attended the session. Ms. Smita Vaze was discussed about various kind of projects made in companies. She also shared her experience infront of students. The students understood what steps they have to follow to do a project. She made students aware of the following qualities of projects Make it easy to verify the accuracy of the information on your site. Show that there's a real organization behind your site. Highlight the expertise in your organization and in the content and services you provide. Show that honest and trustworthy people stand behind your site. Make it easy to contact you. Design your site so it looks professional .Make your site easy to use -- and useful. Update your site's content often. Use restraint with any promotional content. Avoid errors of all types, no matter how small they seem.

  • Mr. Uday Oak

Mr. Uday Oak, Acuminate, Pune conducted a session on “CMC Software” for the MCA – II Semester – III students. The Seminar was held at the Seminar Hall, on Friday, 10thAug 2012 between 12.00 noon to 01.00 p.m. Around 70 students and 5 faculty members attended the session. Mr Uday Oak briefed the students about how to get into IT industry. He made students aware about the placements procedure. He told students about the CMC Software which is a subsidiary of Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS Ltd), one of the world's leading information technology consulting, services and business process outsourcing organizations. CMC Limited is a leading systems engineering and integration company in India, offering application design, development, testing services and asset-based solutions in niche segments through turnkey projects of national importance. CMC has also been expanding its service presence in international markets offering off-shoring advantages and delivering value through service level-based and project scope-based deliveries.

  • Mr. Adwait Date, Swaraj Consultancy, Pune

Mr. Adwait Date had interacted with students on the topic of “Various Aspects and Importance of Reading Newspaper” on 20th Sep 2011 for the MCA students. During his session he has mentioned the key importance’s of newspaper in our day to day life. By using games and some videos he gave message to students that how reading newspaper is important. He also stated that televisions and internet connections while provide news faster than the newspapers, it cannot have the width, breadth and depth of the newspapers and do not provide the comfort of the repeated references at our leisure and comfort apart from harming our eyes because of the glare and being the source of health hazards because of radiations.

  • Mr. Chandresh Kwatra, Kyrion Technology,Pune

Mr. Chandresh Kwatra had conducted a session on “Ethical Hacking” on Monday, 06th Feb 2012, for the MCA students. During his session Made Student aware what is hacking and ethical hacking ,along with that he also made discussion on how to secure once computer from virus attacks & understanding of cyber laws how it is beneficial for the students.

  • Mrs. Shweta Chhabra Lamba, Pune

Mrs. Shweta Chhabra Lamba had interacted with students on the topic of “Enhancement of Personality and Confidence” on 16th Jan 2012 for the MCA students. During her session she tried to aware the students about acting and feeling confident. She also explains that why positive thinking is important. She also cleared the scenarios about communication and effective communication. The personality and communication development was taught with different examples through interactive session.
