MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD


Seminar Hall & Syndicate Rooms

To support the unique teaching learning process, SIBACA is fully equipped with 2 seminar halls, 2 syndicate rooms and 1 conference hall where the interactive sessions and the interface with the experts from the corporate world take place. These are equipped with audio visual aids like OHP, LCD, TV, Movie Projector, etc.


It is a veritable knowledge bank which houses 20,600 Text Books and 6000 Reference Books in all the disciplines of management studies. We subscribe 4000 e-journals and 137 periodicals of national and international repute. The Library facility is made available to the students 15 hrs a day and 365 days a year.

Computer Labs

To facilitate hands on learning for our students we have 8 state of the art computer-laboratories which are equipped with modern computers. Facility available from 9.00 a.m.-12.00 a.m. on all working days.

Internet & Multimedia Labs

The Institute has established global connectivity through 16 mbps leased line that provides uninterrupted internet access to the students to keep pace with the latest developments in the corporate world.

Language Lab

An interactive language lab has been set up where the students are helped to listen to the native speakers of English on Cassettes/CDs and also imbibe the phonetic sounds of the English language. Foreign Languages like German and French are taught using the language lab facilities on a regular basis.
