MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD


Two days International Conference on “Business and Culture with changing Technology in Emerging Market” ‘BC2TEM’ was successfully organized by Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration & Computer Application (SIBACA), Lonavala, Pune in association with Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune on 12th and 14th February, 2016.

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A State Level Seminar on “Big Data and Data Science” was successfully organized by Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration & Computer Application (SIBACA), Lonavala, Pune in association with Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune on 8th and 9th February, 2016

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Two days National Level Conference on “Digital India – Opportunities and Challenges” was held on 16th – 17th October, 2015 conducted by Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration & Computer Application, Lonavala ( SIBACA ) in association with Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune.

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Faculty Development Programs(FDP) at SIBACA, Lonavala.

Faculty Development Program on “MATLAB” : 23rd December 2012.

Sinhgad Institute’s, SIBACA Lonavala organized one day Faculty Development Program on “MATLAB” on 23rd December 2012.  The aim of the FDP was to help the researchers to carry out research in Computer Science Applications like Image Processing, Artificial Intelligence etc. and data analysis as well as interpretation using various tools of MATLAB.On 23rd h December at 10am Conference was inaugurated at Corporate Training Center(CTC) of STES, Lonavala Campus with the holy hands of Dr. R. G. Pawar, Director-MCA, SIBACA, Lonavala. On this occasion he insisted on the need of research in the field of Computer Science and appreciated the efforts taken by FDP committee of SIBACA Lonavala. Guest speaker Dr. Vikas Humbe gave insight on Image processing and benefits of MATLAB to carry out research in Computer Science applications. Prof. Murlidhar Dhanawade member of FDP committee briefed about FDP and proposed vote of thanks while concluding the inaugural session


“Functional Testing With IBM Rational Quality Manager & Rational Functional Tester” : 20th to 23rd  November, 2012

Sinhgad Institute’s, SIBACA Lonavala organized 4 day’s IBM Rational SEED for Quality, Faculty Development Program(Workshop) on “Functional Testing With IBM Rational Quality Manager & Rational Functional Tester” from 20th to 23rd November 2012 by IBM SEED, Pune with their business partner “Mapleton Technologies Pvt. Ltd.”, Mumbai. This introductory course/workshop is designed to familiarize testing professional with the basics of Rational functional test automation tool, IBM Rational Functional Tester (RFT) and IBM Rational Quality Manager (RQM). This course provides hands-on instruction for those who want to explore the power of using RQM & RFT. Participants provided with hands-on instruction, from simple record/playback techniques to advanced test scripting concepts. RQM is used to organize and process test results to facilitate data analysis as well as to manage test assets, build sophisticated test suites, generate reports and log effects. RQM is used to centralize test results and test data to assist with analysis of the result. Expert trainer Mr. Amit Daharwal  (M.C.A.) – IBM SEED, Pune has carried out the  hands on practical executions of various types of software test cases by manually as well as automated.


National Seminar on Research Methodology and Quantitative Techniques: 15h, 16th & 17th March 2012

changes the life of human beings and contributes to socio-economic development of the country. Research in social sciences demands updated knowledge of quantitative techniques. So it is important for students, teachers as well as researchers to remain updated about the knowledge in this area.With this objective Sinhgad Institute of Business Administration and Computer Application, SIBACA Lonavala is organized a National Seminar on ‘Research Methodology and Quantitative Techniques’ on 15h, 16th & 17th March 2012 under Quality Improvement Program of University of Pune. The inaugural ceremony started with our National Anthem followed by Lamp lightening ceremony to Godess Saraswati with the holy hands of Hon’ble Chief Guest, Pro-Vice Chancellor  Dr. Dlip Ukey Swami Ramanand Thirtha Marathwada University , Nanded.  On this occasion he insisted on the need of Research Methodology with various live examples and appreciated the efforts taken by organizing committee of SIBACA Lonavala. He explored the knowledge on Research Methodology and Quantitative Techniques. Director of SIBACA-MCA Dr. R. G. Pawar delivered the welcome speech on this Valedictory function of this Seminar was held on 17th March. Prof. (Dr.) N.  J.  Pawar VC, Shivaji Univesity, Kolhapur was the chief guest for valedictory function.Total 63 participants(16 Outside Maharashtra + 47 Within Maharashtra)  registered for this national event. Most of the participants were faculty members, research students those who are perusing there Ph.D.


National Conference on Computational Neuroscience : 10th to 12th March 2011

Sinhgad Institute’s, SIBACA Lonavala organized National Conference on Computational Neuroscience on 10th to 12th March 2011 under Quality Improvement Program of University of Pune. This conference was technically sponsored by International Neural Network Society India Regional Chapter.The conference was inaugurated with the holy hands of Hon’ble Vice Chancellor Dr. R. B. Mankar, Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University, Lonere. On this occasion he insisted on the need of research in the emerging field of Computational Neuroscience and appreciated the efforts taken by organizing committee of SIBACA Lonavala. He explore the knowledge on Optimization Techniques and Genetic Algorithm. He congratulated the researchers for their efforts taken to write research and review papers on computational neuroscience. Dr. C Kesavadas, gave insight on medical imaging informatics and functional neuroimaging. He explain how cognitive behavior of human being changes when we instruct our brain to stop thinking, our brain never stop thinking, the behavior of brain is uncertain. Directors of SIBACA Dr. P. C. Kalkar and Dr. R. G. Pawar delivered the welcome speech on this occasion.
