MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD



“A clear aim, knowledge, hard work and perseverance spells success” ……… Dr. Abdul Kalam.

SIBACA is a unique Institute dedicated to deliver quality education in compliance with academic and Industry requirements in the field of Information Technology and Management.

SIBACA has been established with an aim to prepare young IT professional, Entrepreneur, and Leader with a difference having rigorous analytical skills, a practical orientation and the ability to perform under pressure. The young graduates are given management education with global perspective, trained in interactive skills and innovative abilities are encouraged.

The Institute takes care of a ragging free study environment for students along with discipline in class as well as hostel. The quality of education basically depends on - Teacher, student and the atmosphere of the Institute and SIBACA meets all expectations. Placement and training is also provided to students.

The Institute develops intellectual abilities of the students, nurturing them to align themselves with the industries' requirements. We at SIBACA ensure that students will get extra benefits by providing them learning opportunities through seminars workshops, Industry-academia interaction, soft skill training, cultural activities, sports etc. so that they become successful leaders. It is my privilege to welcome you all to the Sinhgad Family.

With best Wishes,


