MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD



" Industry Speak "

Mr. P. S. Kale,

(Testing Head, CAT India Pvt. Ltd.)

Excellent environment, staff and students

Mr. Yashowardhan Sowale,

Capgemini, Pune

Great institute, students and staff

Mr. Kulwinder Singh,

(Director, Global Marketing, Synechron)

Wonderful audience and bright students

Mr. Vasant Khokale,

(Director Technology, Synechron, Pune)

The event Techtonic was Very professionally organized with right intent

Mr. Sanjay Joshi,

(MD, X-pointer, Pune)

Nice campus

Ms. Bhavana Joshi,

(Delivery Manager, Tech Mahindra, Pune)

Good dedicated people eager to learn, having guest sessions will help students a lot

Mr. Rohit Jadhav,

(Principle Consultant,Oracle systems)

Good environment and education practices

Mr. H. L. D’costa,

(CEO, IQSS, Pune)

Nice ambiance, faculties are cooperative and students are intelligent

Mr. Sethu Madhavan,

(Sr. Manager, Cognizant )technologies, Pune

Excellent faculties and students

Mr. Shrinivas Sarmene

(Sr. Software Engineer, IBM Technologies, Pune)

Good environment and very good initiatives for students

" Students Speak "

Mr. Mihir Dhakan.


RMD SSOCS is an institute which gives education apart from classroom learning. We experience expert talks, industrial visits, hands on workshops and seminars. It’s a wonderful place to study and have fun.

Mr. Sarath Chambayil.


I would definitely recommend to all prospective students to join RMD SSOCS! It's improved my personality!  I'm so happy :)

Mr. Ganesh Parikh.


I found that this college not only gave me the ability to recognize what I have learned from my syllabus, but also has developed skills that I didn’t realize I had

Ms. Shameeka Bhole


It was my pleasure to be part of RMDSSOCS. I enjoyed each and every day at RMDSSOCS. I found all teaching staff members very cooperative and have always encouraged me to participate in all college activities

Mr. Amit Shahi


Here in RMD SSOCS faculty members are more sincere and hardworking than students

" Parents Speak "

Mr. Kadam

Classroom instruction gives students the opportunity to create something real and tangible, and immediately put into practice what they are learning.

Mr. Thapa

Happy that my son is studying here.


