MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Technical Events

Workshop on Research Methodologies and Guidelines to Write An Effective Research Proposal/Paper

Date: October 14th, 2016.

Resource Person : Dr. Sanjay Kadam .Joint Director, CDAC,SPPU

Conducted for : MCA Students

Proceedings and clips of workshop:

A one day workshop was organized on Research Methodologies at RMDSSOCS. It was specially conducted for final year graduate students of other colleges.

Topics Covered:

The speaker covered all the aspects of the following mentioned topics with his energetic and motivational speech during the session. The highlights of his speech are as follows:

  • What is case study research?
  • What's an empirical study?
  • What is secondary analysis? Where to find existing research data?
  • Collecting you own data - primary research
  • What's all this about research design?
Workshop on Android

Date: February 27th, 2016.

Resource Person : Prof. Yogesh Pagar.

Conducted for : MCA Students

Number of Participants: 43

Proceedings and clips of workshop:

A one day workshop was organized on “Mobile Application Development using Android” at RMDSSOCS. It was specially conducted for final year graduate students of other colleges. The programme was all about learning various Techniques and applications in mobile computing using Android and deriving professional expertise in Android.

Topics Covered:

The speaker covered all the aspects of the following mentioned topics with his energetic and motivational speech during the session. The highlights of his speech are as follows:

  • Little background about mobile technologies and mobile OS
  • Android and OHA
  • Android Features
  • Android Software Stack
  • Dalvik VM
  • Installing Android: Eclipse, SDK, ADT Plugin and platforms
  • First Android Application
  • Lab : Setting up Development Environment
  • Building blocks of Android Application
  • Anatomy of Android Application
  • Designing the user interface
  • Handling with different events
  • Android Activity
  • Publishing the app on Play Store
8 10 9
Java Programming

Participants: MCA-I year

Date: 3rd Feb 2016

Event Coordinator: Prof. Nayana Tanpure

About the Event:  It was an event of Technical Quiz held on 3rd Feb 2016 for students of MCA I, Div – A. Technical Quiz question paper was on Java Programming. It was an objective test. There were 30 questions on java programming and duration for the quiz was 45 mins. Each question carried 1 mark.

No. of Participants: 18

Winner : Pradnya Waychal

Runner Up : Meghana Gore

Essentials of Operating System

Date: 9th March 2016

Total questions: 25

Duration: 30 min.


The technical test was designed in such a way that students should get knowledge apart from their regular academics as well as they should get exposure to the interview selection test.

About Event:

The technical test was conducted to enhance technical knowledge of the students and topics covered were:-

Sample Questions:

Resources are allocated to the process on non-sharable basis is

  1. Mutual exclusion
  2. Hold and wait
  3. No preemption
  4. Circular wait

Transparency is a desirable feature of which type of Operating system-

  1. Batch processing
  2. Real time
  3. Distributed
  4. Time sharing

Winners of the Test:

1.  Ms. Meghana Gore

3. Ms. KarishmaNainani

Web Technologies

Participants: MCA-I year

Date: 15th March 2016

Co-ordinators: 1) Prof. Yogesh Pagar 2) Prof. Balchandra Doddi

About Event:

The technical test is a component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level. The test was designed in the form of objective questions so that students should get knowledge apart from their regular academics as well as to enhance their technical knowledge and get exposure to the interview selection test.

Objective of the Event:

  1. To prepare our students to face Technical Interview for Placement.
  2. To teach them where they are lagging and what they need to prepare.
  3. To improve their confidence level for actually facing interview.

Sample questions of Technical Test:

  1. What is the correct HTML for making a hyperlink?
  2. What does vlink attribute mean?
  3. To create a combo box (drop down box) which tag will you use?
  4. The _____ character tells browsers to stop tagging the text
  5. When should you use path along with file name of picture in IMG tag?
  6. Tags and test that are not directly displayed on the page are written in _____ section.
Multithreading in JAVA

About the Event:

Speaker: Ms. Sonal Kakar

Date: – 25th February, 2016

Venue: Class Room, RMDSSOCS, Warje, Pune

Participants: MCA I Year Students

Introduction of a session:

  • Ms.Sonal Kakar, Corporate Trainer presented on “Multithreading in JAVA”. She explained several concepts as Concurrency and Parallelism, Looking at Multithreading Structure, User-Level Threads, Lightweight Processes, Scheduling, Process Scope (Unbound Threads), System Scope (Bound Threads), Cancellation, Synchronization, etc. Also, she explained Thread ID ,Register state, including program counter (PC) and stack pointer ,Stack ,Signal mask ,Priority  & Thread-private storage in detail.

The activity was beneficial for the students in following ways as:

  • This was a topic from academics & regular syllabus  & so they were looking forward to know more about the topic.
  • Students were explored to the concept of Multithreading which detailed about showing how it works practically.
  • The Students were very eager to learn this topic & asked certain queries as well.

No. of Participants: 20 students.


About the Event:

Date: – 10th Feb, 2016

Venue: Respective Classrooms

Participants: MCA –IDiv. A

Objectives of the Event:

A quiz is a mind sport wherein the participants, either as individuals or in teams attempt to answer questions posed to them correctly, in order to win. Quiz competitions enables students to think from different angles or simply ‘to think out of the box’. We, at RMD SSOCS encourage students to participate in quiz competitions, online as well as offline.

The EON Quiz benefitted the students in following ways:

  • The Quiz was designed to promote, a fun way to study the subject EON and in the process it helped the students to improve and update their knowledge regarding Trends in Networking which is the demand of the subject.
  • The students need to be aware of innovation in the field of Networking. The purpose of Quiz was to make students score good in the subject (Final Exam) and improve their performance in academic related activities like assignments and examinations.
  • The prospective of EON (Essential of Networking) quizzing competition was to encourage students to look beyond their textual knowledge and establish a relationship between theory and application of the learnt concepts.

Event Coordinator:Prof. Shobha Mishra

No. of Participants:19 students

Winner of the Event: Miss Pradnya Waychal

Resume & Cover Letter Writing Contest

About the Event:

Date: 21st January, 2016

Participants: MCA –I Div. A (First Year students)

Introduction of an event:

The purpose of contest was to make the students aware about how to introduce themselves to an organization, demonstrate their interest in the company or a specific vacancy, draw attention to their resume and motivate the reader to interview them, how this letter is important to make the first contact with a prospective employer and how a neat, concise, well-written letter can entice the employer to read their resume with greater interest and will improve their chances of getting an interview.

The Resume & Cover letter activity benefitted the students in following ways:

  • Resume & Cover Letter Writing Contest was designed to make students understand how to prepare resume & Cover letter in an efficient and effective manner.

Event Coordinator:    Prof. Pravinkumar Mane

No. of Participants: 17 students.

Creation of the seamless mind

About the Event:

Date: – 21st January, 2016

Venue: Seminar Hall, RMDSSOCS, Warje, Pune

Participants: MCA I & MBA I & II Year Students

Speaker: Ms. Mini Singh

Introduction of a session:

Ms. Mini Singh, Life Coach, Writer & Speaker presented on “Creation of the seamless mind”. She explained several concepts as THE LAW OF ATTRACTION, 2 TYPES OF CREATION, LOA TOOLS, SEAMLESS STEPS & many more. She also talked upon THE LOVE VIBRATION which included the topics like Why is love important for the Law of Attraction to work, What to do with those pesky negative thoughts & The role of forgiveness, etc. She conducted one activity in her session in which students were combined in a different group & were asked to draw about whatever they feel about the life & asked to give explanation upon it.

The activity was beneficial for the students in following ways as:

  • This was a very new topic to the students & they were looking forward to know more about the topic.
  • Students were explored to the concept of Way of life which detailed about Seamless Creation is a way of life, not just a tool to improve the quality of your life & how it can be the most powerful tool for CREATION.
  • The Students were very eager to participate in an activity & asked certain queries as well.

No. of Participants: 40 students.

Software Engineering

About the Event:

Date: – 22nd March, 2016

Venue: Classroom No.713

Participants: MCA –I Div. A(First Year students)

Introduction of an activity:

The purpose an activity was to evaluate knowledge of student aboutSoftware Engineering concepts. For this test, total 20 objective questions were designed with multiple choices and carried 2 marks for each question with total duration of 40 minutes. All these questions were based on basics of software Engineering concepts.

Event Coordinators:    Prof. PravinKumar Mane

No. of Participants:12 students

Elocution Competition

About the Event:

Date: – 19th March, 2016

Venue: Seminar Hall, RMDSSOCS, Warje, Pune

Participants: MCA I Year Students

Introduction of a session:

The Goal of  Elocution competition was to encourage the skills and talents related to the art of speaking in public for the goal of sharing one’s faith and expositing from the Word of God. The subjects distributed were : Are We Happier than Our Parent’s Generation?, Child Obesity on the Rise, Role of Indian Youth against Corruption, How can our University make the Student Employable?, Save water mean save life, Corruption is the Price We Pay for Democracy, Youth of Today: Useless or Used less, etc.

Participants  were judged based on the following criteria:


i. Introduction of the subject

ii. Exposition of the main theme (Conciseness & Clarity of message, Originality/Points of  interest, Incorporation of Personal references, Quotations & Biblical References)

iii. Moral & Practical Application

iv. Conclusion


i. Memorization (evaluated by pauses and amount of referring to index cards)

ii. Verbal Clarity (Annunciation and pronunciation of words, voice strength and


iii. Presentation/Speaking Style (Mannerisms, Audience contact and voice modulation,

Ability to keep the audience engaged by their speaking style

Co-Ordinators: Prof.Sachin Subnis &  Prof.Madhuja Deshpande

No. of Participants: 18 students.

Winners : 1] Ms.Meghana Gore, 2] Ms.Namrata Devkar 3] Mr.Akshay Kamble

Role Play on the topics of Marketing

About the Event:

Date: – 17th February, 2016

Venue: Seminar Hall, RMDSSOCS, Warje, Pune

Participants: MCA I Year Students

Introduction of a session:

Role-playing refers to the changing of one's behavior to assume a role, either unconsciously to fill a social role, or consciously to act out an adopted role. It is to experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role. First, we distributed the topics on Marketing like Marketing Mix, Product Mix, Consumer & Customer’s Behavior & so on. Students chose the topic which they were interested in actually performed on the case. E.g. Some students chose the topic of  Marketing Mix & explained 7Ps of Marketing & actually, acted upon how to sell the product.

The activity was beneficial for the students in following ways as:

  • The topics were distributed from their regular syllabus. So, they were known to the topics.
  • Students were explored to the concepts of Marketing which included how to actually execute Selling, Pricing, Company orientation towards Market, etc.
  • The Students were very eager to participate in an activity & asked certain queries after the completion of an activity.

Co-Ordinator: Prof.Madhuja Deshpande

No. of Participants: 20 students.
National Science Day

About the Event:

Date: – 28th February, 2016

Venue: Savitribai Phule Pune University,Pune

Participants: MCA I Year Students

National Science Day is celebrated in India on 28 February each year. Indian students present their innovative ideas in the field of science and technology on this day.

Introduction of a session:

  • A visit to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, was arranged on the occasion of National Science Day. At SPPU, National science day is celebrated as one of the main science festivals in India every year during which students of the schools and colleges demonstrate various science projects and national and state science institutions demonstrate their latest researches. The celebration also includes public speeches, radio-TV talk shows, science movies, science exhibitions based on themes and concepts, watching the night sky, live projects, research demonstration, debates, quiz competitions, lectures, science model exhibitions and many more activities.
  • At C-DAC, they showed the demonstration of PARAM Yuva – II: India's Fastest Supercomputer & explained : The working of the super computer is based on the hybrid computer technology by making use of hardware accelerators and coprocessors. The interconnection of this fastest computer is comprised of Infiniband FDR System Area Network and PARAMNet-III which is sure to offer a remarkable efficiency. The storage capacity of the system is about 200 Terabytes which enables users to store a lot of data. Even parallel computing is made possible by the inclusion of required software.

The activity was beneficial for the students as they listened to the following topics:

  • Computational Genomics and proteomics: Methods to Applications
  • Next Generation Sequencing: Technologies and Analysis
  • Computational Drug Design and Repurposing
  • BIGDATA to Knowledge
  • Molecular Simulations: Biophysics to Function

Co-Ordinators : Prof.Mandeep Kaur , Prof.Madhuja Deshpande.

No. of Participants: 22 students.

Glimpses of the Science Day


Title of workshop : “Workshop on Angular JS” – AFramework for SPA

Date(s) of Workshop : January 14th, 2016

Number of Participants : 74

Event Coordinator : Prof. Sachin Subnis

Resource Person : Mr. Vijay Vishwakarma(Training Manager/Technical Trainer, Geometric Ltd., Pune)

About AngularJS :

  • AngularJS is a structural framework for dynamic web applications.
  • Usefulness of AngularJS in applications.
  • AngularJS is a powerful JavaScript based development framework to create RICH Internet Application (RIA).
  • AngularJS provides developers options to write client side application (using JavaScript) in a clean MVC (Model View Controller) way.

Highlights of Workshop :

Workshop started at 10:30 A.M. in the Seminar Hall (Room No. 714) with informal inauguration. Dr.C.B.Bangal, Principal /Director-RMD STIC, Prof. Mandeep Kaur  and Mr. Vijay Vishwakarma were present for the session. The session started with light lamping and Saraswati Vandana. Prof. Mandeep Kaur gave welcome speech. Ms. Pradnya Pathade, Student Volunteer, introduced resource person Mr. Vijay Vishwakarma to the participants. Dr. C. B. Bangal Sir Felicitated.

The workshop was conducted in two sessions. Both the sessions were conducted in Computer Lab Room No.-720. First Session started from 11:00 A.M. and finished by 01:30 P.M. and second session started from 2:00P.M. and finished by 5:00PM.

In the first Session, Mr. Vijay Vishwakarma demonstrated an installation and configuration of Angular JS and covered Introduction of Angular JS. Also, hands on demonstration were given to participants for use of Angular JS in both the sessions.

All the participants were awarded with participation certificates. The certificates were distributed by resource person Mr. Vijay Vishwakarma, Dr. C.B.Bangal Sir , Prof. Mandeep Kaur, Prof. Nayana Tanpure   Institute Coordinator for TechDrill- 2016 and Prof. Sachin Subnis , Event  Coordinator for TechDrill-2016.

Glimpses of Workshop

Inauguration - light lamping and Saraswati Vandana Prof. Mandeep Kaur - Welcome Speech
Mr. Vijay Vishwakarma Session
All the participants were awarded with participation certificates
Group Discussion

About the Event:

Date: 24th September, 2015

Participants: MCA –I Div. A (First Year students)

Introduction of an activity:

GD is a common term that is a vital one in the life of the job seekers. Group discussion is a prevalent tactic used as an important tool for personality assessment. This is a commonly used method to evaluate overall personality of candidates. This technique is proved to be highly efficient to gauge the basic traits of the applicants. In this method, a group of applicants is made to sit together, in a way that they can have an interaction and discussion on a given topic. Usually, one session for Group Discussion lasts for 15.

We made two groups of students as Group1 of 6 students & Group2 of 5students & conducted an activity for one hour.

The GD activity benefitted the students in following ways:

  • A GD activity was designed to promote leadership qualities & ability to work in a team.
  • The students came to know the importance of taking Initiative in groups, Listening Skills,
  • They had given the topics as: - Solutions for traffic Problems, Rain Water Harvesting & Why

Farmers’ commit suicide. They tried to explore more  on these current issues which made them to understand the daily reading of  newspaper is also important A GD activity was an attempt to make students aware about Confidence, eloquence and logics are the key to excel in Group Discussion.

Event Coordinators: Prof. Pravinkumar Mane.

Prof. Madhuja Deshpande.

No. of Participants: 11 students.

Technical Test

Participants: MCA-I year

Date: 06th Oct. 2015

Co-ordinator: Prof. Manohar Mungare


The technical test was designed in such a way that students should get knowledge apart from their regular academics as well as they should get exposure to the interview selection test.

About Event:

The technical test was conducted to enhance technical knowledge of the students. Various technical subjects like C and Data Structures, DBMS, Fundamental of Computers and Software Engineering have been covered.

Winners of the Test:

1. Winner- Mr. Rishav Prashar

2. First Runner up- Ms. Meghana Gore

3. Second Runner up- Ms. Pradnya Pathade


ACUMEN, an annual event comprises of technical competitions to enhance students’ technical skills. In this event, “Open Book Technical Competition on C/Java/PHP” was conducted on 10th October 2015.

In Open Book Technical Competition:-

  • Any number of Books / Notes is allowed to be used by student.
  • Sharing of Books is not allowed.
  • Gadgets with internet connection are not allowed.
  • Two Rounds were there:-
  1. First: - Multiple Choice Questions.
  2. Second: - Program Execution.

Students from various IT streams of different colleges were invited for this competition. Total 129 participants participated in this competition. Three panels of judges were formed to evaluate the performance of participant for three different competitions. Prof. Balchandra Doddi judged the C - Logic competition while Prof. Manohar Mungare & Prof. Nayana Tanpure worked as judges for the Java and PHP Competition.

The three competitions were executed in parallel sessions due to the overwhelming response of students from colleges across Pune. The event concluded by 5 pm with the valedictory function wherein Dr.  C. B. Bangal Sir, Director, RMDSSOCS distributed the prizes to the winners.

Event Coordinators:

Prof. Yogesh Pagar .

Prof. Shobha Mishra.

Following are the winners:

1. Open Book Technical Competition for C:


Team Members



Mr. Jaydip Bhingardiya (RMDSSOCS, Warje.)

Rs. 500 and Certificate

First Runner Up

Ms. Prachee Pathade (RMDSSOCS, Warje.)

Rs. 350 and Certificate

2. Open Book Technical Competition for Java:


Team Members



Mr. Devendra Chandode (RMDSSOCS, Warje.)

Rs. 500 and Certificate

First Runner Up

Mr. Krunal Lakhani (RMDSSOCS, Warje.)

Rs. 350 and Certificate

3. Open Book Technical Competition for PHP:


Team Members



Mr. Mithul Lakhani (RMDSSOCS, Warje.)

Rs. 500 and Certificate

First Runner Up

Mr. Parth Ingale (RMDSSOCS, Warje.)

Rs. 350 and Certificate

Glimpses of the event ACUMEN-2015 :

Inaugural Function
first round
Second Round
Inaugural Ceremony First Round of Competition Second Round of Competition

Judges Interacting
Prize Distribution Ceremony
winner with faculty
Judges Interacting Prize Distribution Ceremony Winners with Faculty
Workshop on "HTML 5"

Date: October 21th, 2015.

Resource Person : Mr. Mayanak Khandelwal and Mr. Rohit Shrivastava, Synechron Pvt. Ltd., Pune

Conducted for : MCA Students

Number of Participants: 80

Objectives of workshop:

The one day workshop was all about learning HTML5 i.e. Hyper Text Markup Language version 5. HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the World Wide Web. To understand the general concepts of how various attributes and events of HTML5 can help us to design the web pages for web based applications. To provide overview on HTML5 and hands-on experience to new tags and events added in new version of HTML.

The topics covered during Workshop:

  1. HTML5-Overview
  2. HTML5-Syntax
  3. HTML5- Attributes
  4. HTML5-Events
  5. HTML5-Web Storage & Web SQL
  6. HTML5-Server Sent Events
  7. HTML5-Audio and Video Players
  8. HTML5-Canvas
  9. HTML5-Drag and Drop
  10. HTML5-Web Slide Desk
Highlights of the Workshop
Debate compitition

Date: 7th Oct, 2015 for MCA-III year

9th Oct, 2015 for MCA-I year

Time: 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Venue: Seminar Hall, 714

Objectives of the Event:

The process of debate allows participants to analyze the similarities and differences between differing viewpoints, so that the audience can understand where opinions diverge and why.  Debate is also an excellent way to model the analytical and communicative processes. We hope that debates will challenge students to think and will provide a forum for them to develop the arts of expression that allow them to communicate their ideas.

Following objectives were accomplished through the debate competition:

  • To inculcate amongst the students the habit of structuring thoughts and presenting them logically.
  • To train their mind to think analytically and to improve convincing capacity of students.
  • To make them aware about current happening issues in our society.
  • To teach them to be open minded and recognize the fact that people think differently about issues.
  • To increase student involvement and participation during various sessions.
  • To improve communication skills amongst students. This includes improving speaking and listening skills, and improvising body language.
  • To develop team-skills of students and help students face situations in future professional life. It is a skill to get your point across, which comes by practice.
  • To foster in them self confidence, which is hugely required, to face and do well in placement activities.

No. of Participants:   MCA-I year: 17 participants.

MCA-III year: 20 participants.

Topics discussed:

  1. Can preventive vigilance combat corruption in government organizations?
  2. Corruption is the Price we pay for Democracy?
  3. Corruption will be the end of the Indian society.
  4. Can we wipe out corruption and bribery from our country?
  5. Are elections just a farce?
  6. Is democracy practiced in all its sincerity?
  7. As a democracy, do we uphold any democratic values?
  8. Should individuals with criminal cases be allowed to stand for elections?
  9. Should students take part in politics?
  10. Are women safe n India?
  11. Women here are undervalued, underpaid and underutilized.
  12. Are reservations in jobs justified?
  13. Should we change the present system of education in our country?

We have announced two winner teams one from MCA-I year and other from MCA-III year.

Winners: Hearty Congratulations

MCA-I year


  1. Karishma Nainani
  2. Prachee Pathade
  3. Sanket Dhulekar
  1. Ritu Bhopche
  2. Shubhankar Joshi
  3. Jaydipkumar Bhingradiya
Poster Presentation

Events Coordinator: Prof. Balchandra Doddi and Prof. Shobha Mishra

Date of the Event: 8th October, 2015

Judges of the Event: Prof. Sachin Subnis and Prof. Vishal Sahu

About the Event:

A poster presentation is the presentation of information by an individual or representatives of teams. The poster presentation was organized to enhance technical knowledge, general awareness and presentation skills of the students. MCA 1st and 3rd year students are participated in this event. Various technical subjects, general awareness and common topics have been covered in this presentation.

Rules of event:

  1. Each team can use standard size drawing sheet.
  2. Each team got 60 min. to draw their views on drawing sheet.
  3. Each team got 15 min. to present their poster in front of judges.
  4. Each team got maximum 10 marks for presentation, 10 marks for content of poster and 10 marks for poster design.
  5. Judges can choose one winner and one runner-up

Topics for the Poster Presentation:

  1. Are Women safe in India?
  2. Technology – really core strength of India
  3. Global Warming and the green house effect
  4. Environmental Pollution: E-Waste
  5. Role of Media in Social Awareness
  6. Water Management Strategy Development
  7. Road Show to avoid accidents
Winners of the Event:

First Prize – Prachee, Pradnya, Prajakta from MCA-I year

(Topic: Role of Media in Social Awareness).

Runner-up – Rtiu, Pooja, Kashmira from MCA-III year

(Topic: Road Show to avoid accidents).
