MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Induction Program 2015 - 16

Induction Program for the new comers of


Held on

Date: 10th to 11th August 2016

The objective of the induction program was to make the students acquainted with the culture of Sinhgad Group of Institutes.

Day 1 : 10th August 2016

Inaugural Ceremony & keynote Speech

The Inaugural of the induction was done at the auspicious hands of Mr.Vishwas Kajrekar, MR. Aniruddha Kothurkar, Dr. C. B. Bangal, and Dr. John Peter.

Dr. John Peter welcomed the students by guiding them for striving for excellence with proper planning and execution. He elaborated his speech with a motivational story.

Dr.C.B. Bangal welcomed the guests and all the new faces of MCA First year. He focused his welcome speech on the requirement of the corporate world for the trained and skilled  graduates.

The keynote Speech:

Mr. Vishwas Kajrekar started the session with interaction and  some humor to make session  more  interactive. He also gave the example of different color balloons like “its not the color of balloons that takes it up, but what is inside the balloons that takes it up in the air” “Moral it not what you like, but its what is inside  take you to the success”. He also told something about competencies like what competencies you should have.

2nd Session of Day 1

Timing: 12:00 Noon- 1:00PM

Mr.Aniruddhaa Kothurkar,GM-Technofour Group

The First guest Speaker MR. Aniruddha Kothurkar (GM- Technofour Group), he told many things about Management  Degree and how to manage things because it is little tough sometimes, he also interacted with the students, asked them various questions. He said,  students now a days are more concern and updated about every things. He also asked questions to students. After a long interactive session at last his session came to the end, where he said all the best for the new students.

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Day 2, 11th August, 2016

Timing: 10:20 AM-10:30AM

Prof. Mandeep Kaur Associate Director RMD SSOCS welcomed the students by guiding them for striving for excellence with proper planning and execution.

Key Note Speaker

Timing: 10:30 AM-11:30 AM

The program was taken over by the dynamic personality, young achiever and the chief guest of the induction program Mr. Kulwinder Singh, Global Marketing and Communication Head. Mr.Kulwinder emphasized on the very important thing in life for success: the right attitude. He elaborated that the industry is looking for strong analytical, listening and communication skills in students.

Fun Games

Timing: 12:00PM- 1:00PM

Fun games was organized for the students after lunch. All the students participated enthusiastically in the various games and won various prizes.

Management Games

Timing: 2:00PM-3:00PM

The post lunch session started with “Management Games” which included motivational and team building activities. The new comers enjoyed and participated with enthusiasm. They learned to work together towards a common goal and also had fun with their peers.

Treasure Hunt:

Timing: 3:30PM-5:00PM

The last activity of day 2 was Treasure Hunt. All the students were divided into groups and provided with various clues to find out the hidden articles.
