MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

NAAC accredited with "A" grade


Computer Centre

Internet lab comprises of 100 Computers with Internet facility for the exclusive use of students. Today, internet is the best tool of acquiring knowledge and finding reliable references. The internet facility is centrally located on the campus, accessible by  students till late night.


Seminar Hall

State-of-art Seminar hall with LCD Projector, Public Address system and with capacity of 240 chairs is available for academic activities of the college such as Seminars, Guest Lectures and Workshops.


Class Rooms

Students have a right to learn without any distractions. A teacher needs to pay full attention to each student. He has the right to establish optimal learning environment. Our classrooms fulfill all the requirements of students and the faculty .MBA students attend lectures regularly in well-furnished 900 sq.ft.spacious classrooms with adequate ventilation and lighting, LCD Projector, White board, PC and Internet Connection.



The college has well-established computerized Library with a large collection of textbooks, reference books, technical journals, educational DVDs and CDs for all courses offered through RMDSTIC. In addition to print copies of relevant journals, the library has also subscribed international online journals like IEEE, ASME, ASCE, WILEY BLACKWELL, McGRAW HILL, Science Direct, ASTM, J-Gate(JET and (JSMS), BCRC which can be accessed and downloaded through  internet facility provided in digital library. NPTEL video Lectures delivered by India’s best teachers are also available in library.


Reading Hall

The Library has separate reading area, reference section, digital library room, audio visual room, Periodicals section etc to facilitate fullest utilization of the available resources by the students and staff.  In order to facilitate all the readers in selecting the reading materials of their interest, the open access provided to all members. The reading materials have been classified based on Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC). It works as a nerve center of the institution by keeping the knowledge of students and faculty members updated. The Information and resources are constantly updated and the facilities are added periodically to keep pace with the recent developments in the various areas of knowledge.



The college has a spacious canteen. The canteen staff takes care to provide the students and staff nutritious and hygienic food. The variety of food items include juices, fruits and ice creams amongst others. We provide clean, hygienic and quality food at subsidized rates to students. There are separate dining halls for students.

