MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

NAAC accredited with "A" grade



Accumen 2018 was organized for MBA students including students from other colleges on 28th September 2018 to explore management skills and decision making skills among young aspirants. Accumen comprised of three events i.e. Mad Ads, Business Quiz and Mock Stock. Students overwhelming response and competitive spirit made the event successful and happening.
Under NSS division of our Institute, all the students & faculty donated about 2500 clothes for the needy people. These clothes were handed over to NGO, Goodwill India. For this effort, we received Certificate of Appreciation from Goodwill India & Guiness Book of World Records.


National Youth Day
Celebration of National Youth Day at our campus on birth anniversary of Swami Vivekanand, 12 January 2017. Chief Guest, Dr. Ashish Puranik, Vice-President, BMCC College, Pune delivered an inspiring speech & enlightened students to create a stronger India.




A team of students & Faculty members of RMD Sinhgad School of Management Studies, Warje participated in the CSR activity which was held on 10th Jan 2016 at Parvati. It was organized in asso-ciation with Sharangdhar Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd. The ob-jective of our college to participate in the CSR activity was to promote and educate the people about the good health and hygiene.

This CSR event “Climbathon-2016” was flagged off at 6.00 am. It was a blend of climbing and marathon. Being the future managers, this CSR activity helped in understanding different perspectives and managing the resources as well.

The students also performed a street play to educate people about health and hygiene so that they can implement it in their life. The activity helped the audience in understanding the value of cleanliness & also helped in shaping the mind of MBA students with respect to social responsibility.


CSR Activity

A day long trek to Lohagad was organized for the students. The journey at 8 am by bus with fun and music along with our friends & faculties. It's a pleasant and easy road and will turn into an especial-ly awesome memory when you walk 10 kms from the station to village base.

The original fort was built in the 12th Century by Raja Bhoj. Later on it was brought into swaraj by Chatrapati Shivaji Maharaj. The steps to the fort were rebuilt during his time. The location of the fort had strategic significance because travellers/traders from the Deccan plateau used this route to trav-el to kalyan. The fort has multiple levels of fortification. Interestingly most of the fortification is still intact and in good shape


Digital India

A seminar on “Digital India” was organized on 13rd of February 2016 at RMD Sinhgad School of Management Studies. The seminar began with the inaugural session by Mr. Nitin H Deshpande, B.E(Mech), M.E(Production), PHD(Pursuing) with his immense experience to enlighten the Digital India concept. He focused mainly on the objectives, infrastructure & other basic requirements of Digital India campaign.


Wepons Exibition

History gives us an opportunity to peep into the past. The occasion of Shivjayanti gave us an opportunity to know more about the towering personality of Shivaji Maharaj. Our Institute had organized a Historical weapons exhibition on 20 Feb 2016 on the occasion of Shivjayanti.

Watching the weapons of the Shivaji era was a thrilling experience. It also motivates us to achieve new feats & contribute to the betterment of the society.



Sinhgad Karandak SPECTRUM 2016 is an inter collegiate management event competition, where MBA Institutes all over Pune participate. Spectrum is a platform for students to compete and excel in the management arena through  the practical exposure. SPECTRUM 2016 consists 10 benchmark events and 12 other events.

RMDSSOMS organized & managed the events like Blitz Kriez, Trail Blazers, Paint “D” Pack and many more. We prepared the decoration for the event based on the theme of “Space”.

brand awareness, audio visual round for challenging the business knowledge of


Company Simulation challenge

As a part of Student Training Programme, Company Simulation Challenge was designed for MBA I year students. The purpose behind introducing the challenge was to help student’s understanding for managerial decision making process in various corporate situations through role play activity.

Inter Institute Competition was conducted at RMDSSOMS on 5th March 2016 in which 10 teams of STES Management Institutes participated. Competition started at 10.00 am with felicitation of Judges Mr. Sunil T Chopade, Sr. Production Manager, Mahindra CIE Automotive Pvt Ltd and Ms. Gaganpreet Kaur, Assistant Manager, TE Connectivity Pvt Ltd.


Poster Presentation Competition

In this we have to draw the thought of digital India on the poster and present it in front of judges. After the competition was announced the class was full of chart papers and colors. Some were making the poster in canteen. Few friends sat in a class room and other students occupied the seminar hall .Our MBA Department was full of drawings and colors to portray the idea of Digital India.



Acumen is an annual event, conducted usually during the winter semester, of the academic year. For the academic year 2014-15, it was held for the 4th time, by RMDSSOMS. Students campaigned the event, among all the colleges in Pune and an overwhelming response was received, in form of participation from both STES and non-STES institutes. Approximately 50 teams participated from various colleges. Inauguration was done by the dean, Dr. J John Peter, addressing the students and wishing them luck.

The B fest had 3 events, namely Business Quiz, Mock Stock and Mad Adz.

Business Quiz is a competition, to encourage the intellectual capability of the participants. It comprised of various elimination rounds such as, a paper pencil test on General knowledge, test on brand awareness, audio visual round for challenging the business knowledge of participants etc. The objective of the competition, was to make the MBA students, ready for the business world. The competition was coordinated by Prof Moni Rai and CA Sweta Jain.

Mock Stock, as the name suggests, was a competition, which gave participants, a chance of check their knowledge and skills related to Stock Market. The competition saw a very good response, in the form of enthusiastic investors, who were making every effort to increase their Share portfolio value and maximize their wealth. Coordinator for the competition was Prof.Makarand Joshi.

Mad Adz was a competition, which was appreciated by all the students. The competition was led by Prof.PravinBodade. The competition involved 2 rounds, where students were given products on the spot and they advertised the products, in visual form and presented it also. To make the event more entertaining, student volunteers made interesting posters and decorated the seminar hall with balloons. Event was very successful, as the introvert students also came up and performed very boldly.

The prize distribution was the most cheerful part of the event, as excitement for results was apparent from faces of all participants as well as their friends. The overall event was a huge success and a big boost to the morale of all the students.






UTTHAN – Word itself suggests upliftment. Upliftment of productivity, quality, processes, safety, moral of people in the society!

On 3rd of January, 2015, volunteers including 11 students along with four faculty members of RMDSSOMS visited a village at Khadakwasla for a social activity on women empowerment.

Students were HerambhKhedekar, MayuriTawade, Babita Yadav, AmolGhodke, Rakesh Paygude, Harish Kolhe, MurliRewaskar, Prashant Bharam, Amit Kirke, Suzi Veeram, Girija Naidu, AshwiniKakade.

Faculty members who coordinated event were Prof ArchanaChirmade, Prof Priyanka Bachhav, Prof Amar Narkhede, Prof DnyaneshwarGhuge and Prof Ravi B. Achaliya.

The important aim of this 2 hour program was to help the women realize their inner potential and use this potential to strengthen themselves and their families. A short introduction was given by Prof Priyanka Bachhav, telling them in short about the entire program planned for them.

The women were given a small form – Power of 3 – to be filled. This form was to get the details regarding the three biggest problems, the three biggest dreams and the three best skills of the women. While some women could write down these on their own, the volunteers helped the other women.

The student volunteers acted out a short play for the women. The play was not just entertaining but it also bought out the message of saving the girl child and giving girls equal opportunities of education and moving up the ladder as boys.




Poster Presentation Competition


On 3rd March 2015, RMDSSOMS organized a Poster Presentation Competition under the title “MANIFEST” for MBA students.The theme for the Competition was Make in India: Challenges and Opportunities. Students participated in large number with fidelity and enthusiasm.

Students were advised to prepare a poster and give presentation. Students expressed their ideas through varied issues such as building best-in-class Manufacturing Infrastructure, Agricultural Development, Woman Empowerment, Go Green concept, Best out of waste, Employability, Tourism and Hospitality and many more.

As Aristotle believed, to bring any change we must train our young minds. So was the idea for the competition and we got an astounding response. Though everyone endeavoured to do the best, but being a competition the judges had to adjudge the best efforts. . When it came to judging it was not how the poster had been created that was most important but the flow, clarity of layout, quality of the information contained within it and the presentation skills.


The Winners were awarded with Gold medal and a certificate and the runners-up with Silver medal and a certificate. The winners were given awards and appreciated at the hands of Dr. C.B. Bangal (Director- RMDSTIC) and Dr.J. John Peter ( Dean – RMDSSOMS).


New Product Development

It is well said that competition is all about journey and not the outcome.

In Spectrum 2015, one of the competition that challenged creativity of participants was New Product Development (NPD). Participants were given theme – “GREENOVATION” & they were expected to come prepare with their innovative ideas. These ideas were expected to be practical, feasible and marketable.

More than 20 teams from 7 different colleges across Pune participated in the event. From RMDSSOMS, event was successfully planned & coordinated by Prof Amar Narkhede, Prof Prashant Patil and Prof Ravi B. Achaliya and very well supported by all other faculty members.

Student volunteers ensured smooth registration & administration process. Very enthusiastically they decorated competition venue

All teams presented their novel ideas and thought processes.

From 1st round, 6 teams were shortlisted. From 2nd round, 1 Winner and 1 Runner up team were selected.





Introduction & Live experience of stock market trading

There is always a phobia about the stock market.  The session of “equity masters” is designed by Prof PravinBodade with 38 students. The session is conducted once in a week in two batches. The objective behind these sessions are:

  • Introducing the concept of Stock market
  • To gets knowledge of fundamental analysis, the commodity markets & derivative products used as hedging tool.
  • How the market factor in the stock prices based on the news related to business expansion, successful launch of new product which leads to more profit for the company.
  • How to analyse a stock based on their performance parameter like PE ratios, EPS, Dividends, moving averages, technical break out.

The session begins with the basics about financial instruments like primary market, secondary market, IPO market capitalisation, capital appreciation. So far students experienced the opening of stock market and its movement during the day.

This is serving dual purpose of creating financial literacy amongst the student and making students competent to pursue the career in financial services and getting them ready for certification in capital markets which will enhance their employability.

STOCK MIND & Equity Master2


Quest for the best budding investor

As the saying goes “Practise makes Man prefect” We had organised Stock market simulation session for all students of MBA Ist year &IInd year. Mr. Amit Kadam Sales Manager of ICICI Direct interacted with student about the day to day functioning of stock market & how investors & traders hunt the for the opportunities in the market.

With the intent of experiential learning ICICI Direct had given access to a virtual stock market trading portal to trade. The students were given the virtual cash of Rs. 15 lacs and they were ask to invest these funds in the market. Students enjoyed the driving forces of Bull & Bears. The volatility in the market made students to understand the impact of business news on stock prices.  The contest had a Grand Prize of Rs 1 lac for the highest wealth creator through trading.

Book Review Competition

‘Books are our best friends since they instil a different idea, different views in us & expose us to various walks of life. With the same intent our students participated in a book review session.

Their preparation started with the reading of the book & immersing in the views put forth by the author. Students critically reviewed the best seller book” who moved my cheese “. It conveys idea of adopting to change can lead you to success. If you remain adamant then you are bound to lose the opportunities.

The second team reviewed “secret” which talks about law of attraction. Thoughts becomes things. Hence take care of your thoughts. Universe will fulfil your wish.

“Stay hungry stay foolish “   tells the story of 25 successful entrepreneurs   who have passed out of IIM Ahmedabad and built great organizations  with  passion and persuasion like ,  make my trip, educomp.

This “book review “will help to inculcate the liking for books.
