MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

NAAC accredited with "A" grade

Industrial Visits

1. Universal Construction Machinery & Equipment Pvt Ltd:

There was industrial visit of MBA students to Universal Construction Machinery & Equipment Pvt Ltd. They were guided by Mr. Nitin Bhosale Assistant Manager of the company. Their tag line is Make Possible. They explained how the universal company sells their product in market and how they have joint venture with the other company’s in India and abroad.


2. Kalyani Forge, Chakan

A group of 50 MBA students along with faculty members, Prof. Dnyaneshwar Ghuge, Prof. Archana Chirmade & Prof. Priyanka Bachhav visited Kalyani Forge, Chakan plant on 27 August, 2016.  It was a good learning experience for the students.

The students also organised a street play for the workers there for awareness about harmful effects of tobacco & alcohol consumption.

3. SEBI,Mumbai

Industrial visit to SEBI, Mumbai was organised on 17 February, 2017. It was a great day where the students had a chance to interact with SEBI Staff and clear their doubts related to equity markets & mutual funds.

4. Chowgule Shipping Ltd., Panjim

A four-day industrial cum recreational tour to Goa was organised for the students. It was an enriching & exciting experience.

5. An industrial visit for the students of RMDSSOMS was organized on 29 August, 2015 at –

a)      Bisleri International

b)      Indian Express Group

6.  Industry Board

RMDSSOMS took initiative of developing Industry Board in which members are industry experts representing key position at various esteemed organizations in prominent industries in Pune.

Industry Board formation will serve the purpose of developing close Industry and Institute interaction; to encourage industry and organizations for placement and training of students in Industries, Intern-ship Programmes, In-plant training; to organize seminars, symposiums, exhibitions and workshops on latest technological advancements, evaluation of project work with the collaborative efforts.

Industry Board Members are:


  • Industry Expert
    • Mr. KavirajGunjal, Practice Head, Tech Mahindra
    • Mr. Anish Palarpwar, AGM - PE Tata Motors
    • Mr. PradipPatnaik, Product Manager, Grohe India Pvt.
    • Mr. Anand Patel, Product Architect, Cloudscape
  • Students Representatives
    • Ms. Joanna Samuel, MBA II (HR)
    • Mr. Parag Shinde, (MBA I)
    • Mr. Nitesh Kumar (MBA I);
  • Faculty coordinators
    • Prof. R. K. Singh
    • Prof. Anima Rathod.

7. SEBI Visit Report


SEBI is apex regulator of capital markets. Hence our students were keen to get an insight about the functioning of SEBI. The visit to SEBI was scheduled on 12th FEB, 2015 and Forty two students visited along with five faculties.

The session was conducted by Investor Awareness cell of SEBI. The session was addressed by Mrs. Sourbhi Gupta & Mrs. Sarina.The key take away from the session were

  • The role of SEBI in the complex world of capital markets.
  • The initiatives SEBI takes to safeguard the interest of retail investors.
  • SEBI ensures the managements’ credibility before permitting any IPO in the market.
  • The speakers briefed about the mutual fund, pension fund & insurance funds and micro finance.
  • The speakers interacted with the students about the recent cases of frauds & financial mismanagement in the corporate world.

The students understood the broader horizon of financial services & the possibilities of career opportunities in this domain.

8. Industry visit at Katraj Milk Processing Plant



From RMDSSOMS, group of 50 MBA students along with two faculty members, Prof. Anima Rathore and Prof.DnyaneshwarGhuge, visited Katraj processing plant on 9th October’14.  Student reported at 9:00 am at college campus and we left for Katraj Dairy at 9:45 am. We reached to the destination at about 10:30 am. We received warm welcome by plant members. The DESIGNATION of the plant, Mr Rahul Gitte gave us brief introduction and do’s and don’ts in the plant. The plant has been designed to handle 1.8 lakh litters of milk per day and is presently running in full capacity. Mr Gitte showed us all the department and informed us about the different processes like Filtration, clarification, homogenization, pasteurization and packaging of milk before its distribution to the consumer. We witnessed processing of variety of milk products like Dahi, Butter, ghee, flavoured milk, khoa, ice creams, cheese and pannier etc.

Students asked various questions out of curiosity and they received satisfactory responses from people of respective department. Students got exposure to material management, handling, process flow, waste reduction techniques, need of appropriate sanitary methods, well designed SOPs and a healthy organization culture. Hygiene and facilities provided to the staff were praiseworthy.


9. A visit to Universal Construction machineries & Equipment Pvt. Ltd., Shivare, Pune.













Universal Construction Machineries and Equipment Ltd., is one of the largest manufacturer of construction equipments in India.We reached Universal plant around 2:00 pm. We were greeted with warm welcome by the HR Manager, Mr. Nitin Bhosale. Mr Bhosale showed us a video clips through which we got fair idea of company’s smooth function and processing. He also gave us demonstration of functions and features of various machines. The plant is extremely advanced and some sections were operated through Robots. He also informed us about the safety measures that company takes to avoid accidents and hazards. Worldwide reputation of organization was evident from the explanation of company’s foreign trade. He also informed us about the entire process of manufacturing the construction equipment and the material handling system.

From this industrial visit, students learnt practical aspects of operations, organizational culture, Human resource management, waste management etc.

