MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade

Master of Computer Application (M.C.A.)

MCA VACANT Seat A.Y.2023-24

About the Course

Today's era is an information era because of wide development in the field of Information Technology. The IT revolution has come in a big way, and thousands of students want to join the band wagon. The Masters Degree course in Computer Applications (MCA) is one course which incorporates in its syllabus, the Computer Applications study with an essence of Mathematics, Statistics and Management. This is a prestigious 2 - years (4 semesters) course for the graduates who want to establish their credentials in the field of Information Technology as specialists. The maximum emphasis in this course is to deliver the industry specific contents, which have their relevance in the current as well as upcoming scenario.

The student of this stream would be served with the state-of-the-art systems and computer laboratories of the college. They shall also have the support of an array of highly qualified and experienced faculty.

The MCA course is approved by AICTE, Government of India and is run under the curriculum of Pune University. The course is carefully redesigned and updated by the University frequently keeping in view the ever changing trends in IT industry. Upon successful completion of the course, the degree is awarded by the Pune University.

The M.C.A program is a mixture of computer-related and general business courses. The computer related courses use microcomputers to introduce standard techniques of programming; the use of software packages including word processors, spreadsheets and databases; system analysis and design Tools. The general business courses include the functional areas of management like accounting, sales, purchase, inventory, and production. The course would emphasis on the study and creation of business applications, rather than more programming Inclusion of projects in each semester improves student’s technical orientation, understanding of IT environment and domain knowledge. It will build right platform for students to become successful Software professional. This would emphasize on domain knowledge of various areas, which would help the students to build software applications on it. The students are exposed to system development in the information-processing environment, with special emphasis on Management Information Systems and Software Engineering for small and medium computer systems. Inclusion of Business Management Labs will help students to acquire thorough knowledge of management practices in organization. Subjects such as ERP, Information Security, Business Intelligence will work as new application domains. Major focus is also given on Mobile technologies so that student can choose Mobile Technologies as their career options. Also, exposure to microcomputer technology, micro-based systems design and micro applications software, including network and graphical user interface systems is provided. Advanced Internet and Web technology includes variety of new technologies. Soft skills techniques are covered in every semester, which will lead to overall personality development of the student and that will help them in their placement activities and to sustain in the organization successfully.
Job Opportunities

  • After successful completion of the course there are various job opportunities available: Many graduates begin their career as a junior programmer and, after some experience, are promoted as system analysts. Other seek entrepreneurial role in the computer world as independent business owners, software authors, consultants, or suppliers of systems and equipments. Career opportunities exist in such areas as management software and hardware sales, technical writing, training others on computer, consulting, software development and technical support.

  • Application areas include transaction processing (such as order processing, airline reservations, banking system), accounting functions, sales analysis, games, forecasting and simulation, database management, decision support and data communications.
Savitribai Phule Pune University MCA Syllabus : 2015 Pattern :: Click Here
Savitribai Phule Pune University MCA Syllabus : 2019 Pattern :: Click Here
Savitribai Phule Pune University MCA Syllabus : 2020 Pattern :: Click Here
