MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade



From the Canteens they can order and have any cuisine which they like, which could not have been possible while staying at home, that too at a subsidized rate.

Playgrounds and Gym

Once their belly is full and satisfied, they can go to the Playgrounds to play any game of their choice and work out at the same time. Those students who are good athletes can have an added advantage to sharpen their game skills for playing at the national and international levels.

Yoga for Stress Relief

SIMCA believes in holistic development of students. Taking up life’s challenges and facing them bravely, needs steel nerves. None other than Yoga can provide this. SIMCA organized ‘Yoga for stress relief’ for students & teachers alike.

The computer Labs, Internet Labs and Wi-Fi

These are an ocean of information for the students to delve into. With the help of the information available on net and their own ideas, they create projects, models and interesting modules which when applied, can actually trigger the sales of products in the respective companies it is applied to.

The Seminar-Hall

This is a grooming up of an Exact Man. “Conference Make an Exact Man “. Applying this aphorism to life, education becomes pragmatic, so that students can actually grasp the ‘work culture’ in different companies. The seminars, workshops presentations on Marketing, Finance, Operations, Systems, HR, IB and IT conducted by Global Gurus in the corporate world, groom the young managers into an Exact Man.
SIMCA has two seminar halls equipped with all the facilities to make a session most valuable to the learner. The seating capacities of the seminar halls are 250 and 120 students respectively. The hall is equipped with the Overhead projectors and Excellent Sound system so as to facilitate the Audio and Video Session. The computer center is attached to the seminar hall, thus making the sessions through video conferencing possible.

The Syndicate Room

Here interaction and enhancement of ideas take place. Across the table, interaction between students and the professional from the industry takes place here. It is well equipped with audio-visual aids and learning facilities.

Language Labs

As the world is turning into a global community and the multinational companies pouring in our country it becomes an absolute necessity to know a foreign language and business English and thus have a winning edge. The different business case studies are studied from various parts of the world, Hence the students are exposed to cosmopolitan culture. This helps them to adjust well in MNCs.


The rooms are well furnished, neat and clean with attached baths, where students at the end of the days’ work, come and relax, laugh and enjoy with their roommates.


This is our Academic Heritage. ‘Reading makes a Full Man. Just like a mother caters to the various tastes of her child, so too our library caters to various academic tastes of the students. Be it Business Management or Computer Application or Personality Development or Art of Making a Man- You name it-We have it. The library also has a superb collection of books and foreign journals and periodicals. Reading makes and moulds them into a ‘Full Man’. Great libraries are essential to great institutions. They support and empower scholarship and research innovation. The SIMCA Library works on the system that continually enhances its on-site and online services to expand its research collections in all formats, from paper to electronic and multimedia. Accessing the resources is at the tip of the fingers. It provides students and faculty with access to the world’s scholarship and serves as a center for the Institute's intellectual life. The Library facility is open to the students all the time when they are on the campus.
The library ensures that the collection is dynamic in nature. It has error-free database management system using Library Information System Software 'Slim - 21'. It has a collection of over 27181 books, more than 72 research journals and 24 magazines. Through Book Bank Facility, library engages itself in identifying study groups within the students and issues books taking into account their requirements.
