MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Language Lab

What is a Language Lab?

A Digital Language Lab is a language learning solution with a specially equipped facility designed to train students in any language (usually one foreign to the mother tongue) using proven language teaching techniques.The teacher delivers the methodology through an automated system that is adaptable to teaching a novice or a neophyte as well as brush-up the skills of a not-very-fluent speaker to not only speak it phonetically correct in a native accent but also learn it quickly and deliver it with clarity and confidence.

ETNL Language Lab© -- Version-4

The ETNL Language Lab© is a fully computerized and futuristic language lab software suite with 100% digital functionality. The offers a multimedia based interactive learning environment where teachers and students effortlessly -- literally at the click of the mouse -- share course materials and work in unison to enhance language proficiency.

Why ETNL Language Lab©?

Perfected and fine-tuned for almost a decade, the ETNL Language Lab© Version-3 is scalable, providing the level and type of functionality that you need today with the ability to modify or enhance your system in direct proportion to your future needs.

The language management software can be integrated to work seamlessly on any Window-based PCs within a LAN or local area network and requires no additional software support once installed.

Whether you are looking to access, retrieve, archive or grade language adeptness, ETNL's incorporation of top-of-the-line information technology for transmission as well as storage and individual progress monitoring even in a large classroom setting, makes it the single most versatile language lab solution suite available today, which is quick, easy-to-use, and cost-effective -- backed by 24/7 customer-care and our reputation as a frontrunner in the industry.

