Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade

State Level Seminar


Digital Marketing

(In association with SavitribaiPhule Pune University)

27thFebruary to 1st of March, 2019

Digital seminar

Digital Marketing seminar - Day 1

The following topics were covered by the trainers on the day-1

Meaning of digital marketing (any form of marketing that exists online)

Meaning of website and components of website

Meaning of domain, host and landing pageā€¦

Search engine spider (also known as bot, robot or crawler)

Meaning of crawling and indexing

Meaning of SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

On-page SEO

  • Meaning and types of keyword- generic, short tail, long tail and seasonal
  • Meaning of spamming and keyword density (should be 2-3)
  • a tool to optimize the image
  • Sitemap generator
  • Temporary and permanent redirection

Off-page SEO-

  • Introduction to Link building
  • Introduction to Social media marketing
  • Introduction to bookmarking

Digital Marketing seminar - Day 2

The following topics were covered by the trainers on the day-2

Introduction to Algorithms

  • Google Hummingbird
  • Google Payday

Social Media Marketing

  • Facebook
  • Create Page
  • Create Ad
  • Payment methods : Pay Per Click

Pay Per 1000 impressions (For Brand Awareness)

CPM (Cost Per 1000Mille)

  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • Pinterest
  • Tumblr
  • Introduction to VK
  • LinkedIn

Digital Marketing seminar - Day 3

  • Google Analytics overview
  • Google webmaster
  • Mobile marketing
  • Blogging
  • Influencer Marketing
