MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade

One day Entrepreneurship Activity & Stand for Kerala Campaign



Aims & Objective

  • To make aware about the importance of management principles to the budding managers.
  • To make aware about the importance of social activity among young generation.
  • To support the concept of philanthropy.


MBA first year students being new to the Management Curriculum it is very important to give them exposure of the real business world to well comprehend the concepts of Management being taught to them. We at SIMCA always emphasize on experiential and practical learning to the students.

In order to make them well aware and implement the Principles of Planning, Organizing, Directing, Controlling & Staffing the ‘One Day Entrepreneur Activity’ was planned for them.

The students of first year were planned to divide in equal groups. Each group was given Rs.500 by the Institute as their capital for starting their business. The students were asked not to add any additional investment in the given amount. The students were instructed to earn maximum profit from the given amount. The profit earned from all the groups was planned to donate to the “Kerala Relief Funds”.

On the second day of the activity the presentations of each group will arranged so as to evaluate the students business strategy and implementation of their plan. Simultaneously on the same day the second year students would be involved in raising the funds for Kerala victims as a part of CSR activity. Hence, we could fetch maximum funds for Kerala victims. Posters will be prepared as display material and promotion of the activity.

Execution of Program
The campaign started 27/08/2018 in the morning.  The students were given instructions regarding the execution & aim of the activity and were asked to report back to college by 5:00pm. The students were divided in seven groups each group planned their business activity.

We had group who prepared Bhel and Chaat and sold it in the college premises. By doing analysis of the Market they tried selling their product at the lesser amount than the market. They used Low pricing strategy to attract the customers. They also served the combo of Mirinda along-with the ‘Bhel’. They used their skills convincing the customers.

We had various teams all with different ideas who worked throught the day to make the event successful. We had a team who sold tea & coffee as on the table service to all office & working people.

A team who bought the calculator at very low price then sold out at MRP to the customers they again reinvested their profit bought again new products & made a good money out of their business.

The winning team was the team who sold corn at Khadakwasla dam. The business idea was sustainable and work distribution among group members was aptly done. The location chosen by the team members was good for their business. They had targeted the right customer. They had good coordination between the team. They had implemented the maximum principles of Management right from good planning till controlling.

At the end of the day students came back with the work done and profit earned status. The money was collected with the college the entire MBA Ist year team had earned a profit of almost 10,000 within 8 hours. They were asked to go back to their places and come with the presentation of the entire activity on the next day.

The second day activity 28/08/2018 the students came back with the presentations of their activity. Simultaneously the MBA IInd year students were sent outside the college to raise the funds for the Kerala Victims. Groups were prepared and it was announced that the group that would fetch the highest funds will be awarded. The students approached nearby shops hotels colleges and raised the funds of Rs. 8,493/- within four hours. Their efforts were really commendable.
