MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

Accredited by NAAC with "A" Grade

10th National Research Conference

"Strategic leadership & organizational development in India"

20th to 22nd of February 2019



Inauguration of the conference was done by Dr. Krishna Kumar (Ex Director, IIM- Lakhnow & IIM- Kozikode), Dr. Srini Sriniwas (Asso. Professor & Reader, JBIMS), Dr. Sukhmeet Kalasi (NLP Trainer), Dr. Anamika Singh, Hon. Director SIMCA and Dr. Ashutosh Gadekar, Professor, SIMCA.


Session by – Dr. Krishna Kumar (Ex Director, IIM- Lakhnow & IIM- Kozikode)

The speaker described the importance of short cases writing and having those cases on websites. He introduced everyone with his own website that is and his idea about creating this website.

He started his presentation by describing the importance of strategic management and its advantages by giving some examples like kingfisher. Along with the importance of organized resources he also explained 7S model.

Session by – Dr. Srini Sriniwas (Asso. Professor & Reader, JBIMS)

The speaker spoke about changing business practices in current environment. In his opening remarks, he touched on the customer behavior. He explained the changing customer behavior back in 90’s and to the present by giving examples. He mentioned how phone has replaced basic business by giving examples of Swiggy, Amazon, Netflix etc. He further explained how companies are focusing on different issues to provide multiple options and how market trends are changing. The term ‘era of disruption’ explained by him with examples like Nokia, BlockBuster, etc. The importance of digitalization was explained effectively by him.

Session by – Dr. Sukhmeet Kalasi (NLP Trainer)

The speaker started the session by sharing an account of her engagement with psychology. She explained how psychology plays an important role in strategic management and six main skills which is the invisible antenna of strategic management.

She further described how there should be a psychological background for strategic management and how it is called associative thinking. She also explained five forces model for strategic leaders. She gave the example of Meveric Ricardo Semler and his experimenting over employees and strategic management tool NLP i.e. neurological linguistic program.

Session by – Mr. Sagar Surana (Director- Amdocs)

The speaker began his presentation by explaining the term VUCA word. His topic of presentation was leadership skills in VUCA word. The word VUCA stands for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguous. He explained all the terms by giving various examples like Nokia and Blackberry. He told how vision is important for a leader and clarity to a team is very important.

He gave few of strong real life leaders like Jochen Moninger and Welt Hunger hilfe (world without hunger), PatTM by discussing demonetization issue. He explained how a leader should not act like a superhero because leadership is all about team work and therefore a leader should be more humble.

Session by – Ravi Ramnathan (founder and principal strategist at Strategic Inflection Solutions)

Being a technology geek, the speaker started his session with many examples like Walkman, ipod, etc. He talked about the world we live in now that is VUCA word. He explained the platform businesses such as Uber and OYO rooms and how software is important for connecting with customers. Further he discussed about importance of leadership. The speaker explained various leadership styles the qualities of a great leader in an age of disruption.

Session by - Mr. Ashutosh Inamdar (DGM Strategy- Lupin Pharma Ltd. & Alumni of IIM Indore)

Being a marketing person, the speaker started his session with live examples and made the session very interactive. His subject of discussion was Strategy and Execution. He also guided the students on what they should do during their MBA days. Ideas and their execution explained very well by him with some of examples like Xerox, Yahoo, Blackberry, Starbucks, IndiGo, etc. He sidcussed the three main cases about idea and its execution

1.         Good idea but poor execution e.g. Nano, Mid-day meal by government of India.

2.        Common idea but great execution e.g. Jio, Indian Passport.

3.         Good execution but bad idea e.g. Apples battery replacement program, Google glass.

New execution framework was explained by him.

Session by - Mr. Vivek Mendonsa (director-Marketing, Lawrence & Mayo)

The speaker explained the importance of leadership for an organization and how a leader should be grounded and has the ability to influence and motivate others. He traced the word Empowerment.

Further he illustrated the terms such as VUCA world, Collaboration, Digitalization, Qualitative data, Innovation and creativity. He explained the contextual problem solving steps and PDCA that is Plan-Do-Check-Act. Further he described the terms such as Market Intelligence, Team engagement, Organizational behavior, TQM that is Total Quality Management.
