MBA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 MCA-CET Registration Date has been extended to 31-01-2025 SIGNFICANCE OF MBA IN TODAY's WORLD

FDP/SDP/STTP/Workshop/Seminars/ Summer School Attended:



Sr. No.

Title of Program

Date and Duration






Faculty Development program under Dale Carnegie Training

21st and 22nd of November 2007

Sibaca Lonavala

Workshop attended on stress management program




Th         Three –Days National Seminar on “ Research  Methodology”

14th 14th to 16th November    Nov.2008.


SIOM Vadgaon Pune.

Three da     Three days  national seminar on “

Gateway  way to Ph.D”.


9th to 11th Feb   2010

SIOM Vadgaon Pune.

“ National Seminar on Recent Trends in Management”

4th April 2008

Alard Institute of Management Science Pune.

Faculty Development Programme.

18th & 19th February 2008.

MIT College of Engineering  Pune.

“Challenges for HR IN global business Environment”

26th to 28th Feb 2009

SIBACA Lonavala

4th International Seminar on Women in leadership roles.

7th -8th Oct 2010

Amloh, Mandi Gobindgarh Punjab.

Three day International Conference GIT on Green IT &Open Source  Project Management.

20th & 22nd Feb 2010

SIOM Vadgaon Pune.

International Conference Women Entrepreneurship

8th oct 2010

Amloh, Mandi Gobindgarh Punjab.

A National Seminar On Research Methodology & Quantitative Techniques ,

15th,16th & 17th March 2012. At SIBACA.


SIBACA Lonavala

Cased based Methodology.

6th March 2010.


SIBACA Lonavala

Cased based Approach.

9TH Oct 2010.


SIBACA Lonavala

Classroom Management

5TH Feb 2011.


SIBACA Lonavala

Research paper Writing


6th Feb 2010.

SIBACA Lonavala

. Facilitation Skills.

16th Jan 2010


SIBACA Lonavala

Maharashtra State Commission for Women Training Programme on Sexual Harassment of Women at Work Place.

3rd March 2017.


St.Meera’s ACS College Pune.

One Day Workshop on “3 Dimensional Growth to build successful career in Data Science, IT and IT SECTORS”.

7TH March 2017 at SIBACA.


SIBACA Lonavala

Students Welfare officers annual workshop at UOP.


12th July.2014.


Students Welfare officers annual workshop at UOP.

12th July.2015-16.



FDP/SDP/STTP/Workshop/Seminars/ Summer Schools organized:

Sr. No.

Title of Program

Date and Duration


National level conference on Digital India organizing committee.2015 Under QIP SPPU



7th &8th Oct 2015 .SIBACA

Two days


State level seminar conduced on business economic forum  convenor “Business Economics”



10th &11th Oct 2014.SIBACATwo days


“International conference on Business and culture with changing technology in emerging market .Convenor.

12th to 14th 2016  Three days SIBACA Lonavala.


. One Day Workshop on “3 Dimensional Growth to build successful career in Data Science, IT and IT SECTORS


7TH March 2017 at SIBACA Lonavala.

FDP/SDP/STTP/Workshop/Seminars/ Summer Schools organized:

Sr. No.

Title of Program

Date and Duration


National level conference on Digital India organizing committee.2015 Under QIP SPPU



7th &8th Oct 2015 .SIBACA

Two days


State level seminar conduced on business economic forum  convenor “Business Economics”



10th &11th Oct 2014.SIBACATwo days


“International conference on Business and culture with changing technology in emerging market .Convenor.

12th to 14th 2016  Three days SIBACA Lonavala.


. One Day Workshop on “3 Dimensional Growth to build successful career in Data Science, IT and IT SECTORS


7TH March 2017 at SIBACA Lonavala.
