Seminar on ‘Social Responsibility: A Conduit for Sustainable Development’ on September 18th, 2010 was organized with the following objectives-

  • To make students aware of their social responsibilities.
  • Challenges faced by social institutions.
  • Responsibilities  of organizations towards the society.
  • Use of management techniques for better execution of responsibilities.
  • Role of management graduates.
  • Career opportunities for management graduates.

In this seminar, 5 prominent personalities from various institutions and organizations like Suzlon, CDSA, BAIF Development Research Foundation, TISS and ARTI, shared their experiences and ideas on Social Responsibility, the role played by social institutions in the development of society & their functioning and career opportunities for management graduates in social institutions.

The Chief Guest of the seminar Mrs. Seemantinee Khot, Head, C.S.R, Suzlon Foundation, spoke on the ‘Need of Social Responsibility.’  She talked about ‘Corporate Social Responsibility’ (CSR), the responsibility of the corporate world.

Staff members and students were in full attendance to learn about CSR encouraging community development and growth. Through CSR, corporate world have adopted a lot of measures such as- eradicate extreme hunger & poverty, promote gender equality to empower women, reduce child  labour, improve maternal health, combat HIV/AIDS & other dreadful diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop global partnership for development. Her talk inspired our students to gear up & take CSR as future service to the mankind.

Mrs, Aneeta Benninger, Executive Director, CDSA, Pune shared with the students the ‘Need of Management for Efficient Functioning of Social Institutions,’ She talked about development programmes that have been initiated by CDSA. It is important to understand what is the difference between ‘Good’ & ‘Bad’ in order to understand development. According to her development is considered to be ‘GOOD’ i.e. just, healthy & equitable.

The role play by manager or leader is very important as he/she has to carry out the management functions of planning, organizing and leading the people in order to achieve the goals of the organization. She emphasized on successfully carrying out the management activities which are needed for efficient management of social institutions.

Career Opportunities for Management Graduates in Social Institutions’ was shared by Mrs. Meena Gokhale, Head-Training & Capacity Building, BAIF Development Research Foundation, Pune. There are 1.2 million social institutions such as Voluntary Organizations, NGOs, NPOs, Professional Development organizations in India working on different themes like natural resource management, micro-credit/insurance, nutrition & health, housing, agriculture, income generation, research and training. She highlighted the scope for management graduates in social institutions.
