Architecture Oath,
Architecture is my chosen profession and I am aware of the significant contribution of the architectural fraternity in shaping the human habitat throughout the world.
I am proud to join this exclusive community of professionals and undertake to ensure:
That my professional activities shall not conflict with my general responsibility to contribute to the quality of the environment and future welfare of society
that I shall apply my skills to the creative, responsible and economic development of my country,
that as an architect I shall strive to provide professional services of a high standard, to the best of my ability,
that as an architect I shall maintain a high standard of integrity
that I shall conduct myself in a manner which does not bring the fraternity of architects & students of architecture into disrepute.
That as a student I shall recognize and respect the contribution of my teachers and my Institute in shaping my career as an architect.
I promise to abide by this oath throughout my future career as an architect.